Categories:Multimedia License:Apache2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Changelog: Auto Name:Kõnele Summary:Speech-to-text provider Description: Offers speech-to-text service to other apps. Apps which allow user input via voice usually have a little microphone button as part of their user interface. It is a free replacement for the proprietary Google voice search, based on the [ Net Speech API] to communicate with a speech recognition server. Currently only estonian is supported by the pre-confgured server. '''This is an UNTESTED build.''' . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.2.00,1200 disable=needs graphviz, needs testing commit=v1.2.00 subdir=app gradle=yes srclibs=NetSpeechApi@f4290467ac222a8a3c4235c1bbae3d95c0fdc8c2 rm=app/libs/*.jar prebuild=pushd $$NetSpeechApi$$ && \ $$MVN3$$ install -DskipTests && \ popd && \ sed -i -e '/mavenCentral/amavenLocal()' ../build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '/fileTree/acompile "ee.ioc.phon.netspeechapi:net-speech-api:0.1.8"\n' build.gradle && \ echo '-keep class org.apache.http.** {*; }' >> proguard.cfg && \ echo '-dontwarn org.apache.http.**' >> proguard.cfg && \ sed -i -e '/sourceSets/ipackagingOptions {\nexclude "META-INF/LICENSE.txt"\nexclude "META-INF/LICENSE"\nexclude "META-INF/NOTICE.txt"\nexclude "META-INF/NOTICE"\n}' build.gradle && \ pushd .. && \ gradle makeIcons && \ gradle makeDiagrams && \ popd Build:1.2.04,1204 commit=v1.2.04 subdir=app gradle=yes srclibs=NetSpeechApi@f4290467ac222a8a3c4235c1bbae3d95c0fdc8c2 rm=app/libs/*.jar prebuild=pushd $$NetSpeechApi$$ && \ $$MVN3$$ install -DskipTests && \ popd && \ sed -i -e '/mavenCentral/amavenLocal()' ../build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '/fileTree/acompile "ee.ioc.phon.netspeechapi:net-speech-api:0.1.8"\n' build.gradle && \ echo '-keep class org.apache.http.** {*; }' >> proguard.cfg && \ echo '-dontwarn org.apache.http.**' >> proguard.cfg && \ sed -i -e '/sourceSets/ipackagingOptions {\nexclude "META-INF/LICENSE.txt"\nexclude "META-INF/LICENSE"\nexclude "META-INF/NOTICE.txt"\nexclude "META-INF/NOTICE"\n}' build.gradle && \ pushd .. && \ gradle makeIcons && \ gradle makeDiagrams && \ popd Build:1.2.06,1206 commit=v1.2.06 subdir=app submodules=yes gradle=yes rm=app/libs/*.jar prebuild=sed -i -e '/commandLine/s|mvn|$$MVN3$$|g' ../other.gradle && \ pushd ../ && \ gradle -b other.gradle clean && \ gradle -b other.gradle makeNetSpeechApi && \ popd scandelete=net-speech-api/target/ Maintainer Notes: We shouldn't build the net-speech-lib in prebuild, however build= will perform gradle checks _BEFORE_ building the lib. This will break for the main project, because it already requires the lib being in mavenlocal. Building the lib in prebuild is wrong and leaves jars and class files which makes the scanner complain. The makeIcons and makeDiagrams tasks don't provide `cleaning`, hence we cannot use preassemble= here. . Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.2.06 Current Version Code:1206