Disabled:Never build, source repo deleted Category:Internet License:MIT Web Site:https://github.com/rackspace/android-rackspacecloud Source Code:https://github.com/rackspace/android-rackspacecloud Issue Tracker:https://github.com/rackspace/android-rackspacecloud/issues Summary:Monitor your servers Description: Log in with your API key that's available at manage.rackspacecloud.com. * Support for US, UK, and custom API endpoints * Support for multiple accounts * List all Cloud Servers in your account * Create new Cloud Servers (including from any existing backups) * Delete Cloud Servers * Resize Cloud Servers * Perform Hard and Soft Reboots * Manage backup schedules * Ping Cloud Servers * Rename Cloud Servers * Rebuild Cloud Servers * Change a Cloud Server's root password * View and Create Cloud Files Containers * Upload text files to Cloud Files * Download and Preview Cloud Files * Passcode Lock * Detailed Error Handling: if you get an error from the API, you can see exactly what happened with an equivalent curl command to reproduce it in a shell * Links to contact Rackspace Fanatical Support via phone or Twitter . #Repo deleted #Repo Type:git #Repo:https://github.com/rackspace/android-rackspacecloud.git Build Version:1.2,2,!wait for next release HEAD,srclibs=NoAnalytics@158a4a,prebuild=\ echo "android.library.reference.1=$$NoAnalytics$$" >> project.properties && \ rm libs/libGoogleAnalytics.jar android-rackspacecloud.apk.zip Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Static