Category:Navigation License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Name:OsmAnd~ Auto Name: Summary:Maps & navigation; online and off Description: Osmand~'s features can be extended by enabling the plugins. All plugins are already present and include online maps from many sources, tracking, OSM editing and accessibility enhancements. Map data of both vector and raster types can be stored on the phone memory card for offline usage, and navigation by default uses offline methods. Map data packages for many territories are available from the Osmand website as well as a desktop application for creating your own. Donations by way of PayPal or BidforFix are accepted. Osmand~ is the generic name for builds of Osmand not done by the developers, though of course tries to be as faithful as possible to the releases. x86 and MIPS modules are included in the apk. Status: We don't have the latest version of this app because it is difficult to build. Developer builds are available via the website. . Repo Type:srclib Repo:android Build Version:0.6.5,34,v0.6.5,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,prebuild=mkdir assets && mkdir raw Build Version:0.6.6,36,v0.6.6_2,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,prebuild=mkdir raw Build Version:0.6.7,37,v0.6.7,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,prebuild=mkdir raw,patch=code37.patch Build Version:0.6.8,39,v0.6.8,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,prebuild=mkdir raw Build Version:0.6.8',41,!No corresponding source for whatever this is Build Version:0.6.9,42,v0.6.9,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,prebuild=mkdir raw Build Version:0.6.9',43,!No corresponding source for whatever this is Build Version:0.8.1,65,d62472532d8,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,buildjni=no,target=android-8,update=force,forceversion=yes,\ prebuild=cd ../DataExtractionOSM && \ ant compile build && \ cd ../OsmAnd/ && \ cp ../DataExtractionOSM/build/OsmAndMapCreator.jar libs/ && \ zip -d libs/OsmAndMapCreator.jar net/osmand/LogUtil.class && \ cp -r ../DataExtractionOSM/build/lib/ libs/ Build Version:0.8.2,71,50a4733475cd,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,buildjni=yes,target=android-8,update=force,forceversion=yes,\ forcevercode=yes,submodules=yes,prebuild=\ cd ../DataExtractionOSM && \ ant compile build && \ cd ../OsmAnd/ && \ sed -i 's/app_version">[^<]*/app_version">0.8.2-fdroid/' res/values/no_translate.xml && \ cp ../DataExtractionOSM/build/OsmAndMapCreator.jar libs/ && \ zip -d libs/OsmAndMapCreator.jar net/osmand/LogUtil.class && \ cp -r ../DataExtractionOSM/build/lib/ libs/ # Name srclibs in such a way as to replicate OsmAnd build tree # Could try making a srclib too # Declare OSMAND_ARM_ONLY=true for just ARM # Don't really understand what the other build.xmls do: they don't appear to put jars in classpath # Jars haven't been verified Build Version:1.4-fdroid,145,r1.4,\ rm=SherlockBar/build.xml,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,\ srclibs=tools@9b4c9da995;core@r1.1.4;build@86a575b93,prebuild=\ sed -i 's/debuggable="true"/debuggable="false"/g' AndroidManifest.xml && \ $$SDK$$/tools/android update project -p ../SherlockBar && \ sed -i 's/"\${aapt.ignore.assets}"/"\${aapt.ignore.assets}" \ libraryRFileRefid="project.library.bin.r.file.path"/g' build.xml && \ sed -i 's/app_version">[^<]*/app_version">1.4-fdroid/' \ res/values/no_translate.xml && sed -i '/keys/d',build=\ ant jar native-libs -f $$tools$$/OsmAndMapCreator/build.xml && \ ant build -f ../OsmAnd-java/build.xml && \ ANDROID_SDK=$$SDK$$ ANDROID_NDK=$$NDK$$ ./,buildjni=no # well need to source "resources" srclib for next version # see Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Market Current Version:1.4.1 Current Version Code:143