Categories: - System License: Unlicense WebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: AutoName: (F-Droid) kDI Description: |- Re-branded KalturaDeviceInfo to provides GSF id (needed for Google uncertified devices), checks about Widevine & media decoders plus detection for Treble & a/b Seamless update (and others system IDs). This app is a basic json example that shows how much any app, with permission granted, can leak your device info on the net... RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: 1.3.1-2 versionCode: 2 commit: v1.3.1-2 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: 1.3.1-4 versionCode: 4 commit: v1.3.1-4 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: 1.3.1-5 versionCode: 5 commit: v1.3.1-5 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: 1.3.1-6 versionCode: 6 commit: v1.3.1-6 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: 1.3.1-7 versionCode: 7 commit: v1.3.1-7 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: 1.3.1-8 versionCode: 8 commit: v1.3.1-8 subdir: app gradle: - yes ndk: r20 - versionName: 1.3.1-9 versionCode: 9 commit: v1.3.1-9 subdir: app gradle: - yes ndk: r20 AutoUpdateMode: Version v%v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: 1.3.1-9 CurrentVersionCode: 9