Categories: - Games License: GPL-3.0-or-later AutoName: Card Game Scores Description: |- The purpose is to keep scores for games where each turn could give you any (random) score, and not a fixed block; for that type of game, use [[com.nolanlawson.keepscore]]. You have two options: "New Game" or "Last Game". On either of them, you can add/delete people, change the maximum score and choose between win or lose at that score. For example, on Uno, you can set the maximum score at 200 and set it to lose, so that when someone crosses the 200 barrier, the game ends and a "LOOSER" banner appear alongside the name who lost. During the game, a number box will be available for you to input the points accumulated, with ENTER changing down for the next, and an empty box being the same as zero points. After updating all scores, click on the update button. The app will save the data (names, score, win/lose) of your last game, so you can re-use it later via the "Last Game" button. Builds: - versionName: '1.0' versionCode: 1 disable: remove old apk commit: v1.0 - versionName: '1.1' versionCode: 2 commit: v1.1 forceversion: true forcevercode: true AutoUpdateMode: None UpdateCheckMode: None CurrentVersion: '1.1' CurrentVersionCode: 2 NoSourceSince: '1.1'