Category:Games License:MPL2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Summary:What the app does in less than 40 chars Description: This is a PhoneGap port of [ BrowserQuest], the HTML5 MMORPG (multiplayer online role-playing game) that Little Workshop created for Mozilla. It is an old-school action-RPG in which you explore a medieval land with your friends. This is an an early version and there are some problems with using the onscreen keyboard to speak to others. Content is licensed as CC-BY-SA. . Repo Type:git-svn Repo: Build Version:1.0,2,138,prebuild=sed -i 's/android:debuggable="true"//g' AndroidManifest.xml && \ git clone && mvn package -f Java-WebSocket/pom.xml && \ mv Java-WebSocket/target/websocket-cordova-plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar libs/ Auto Update Mode:None #No reviews yet on Market Update Check Mode:None Current Version:1.0 Current Version Code:2