Categories:Graphics License:Apache2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Auto Name:Droid Draw Summary:Automated drawing Description: Control a pen holding Android and create complex shapes using part of the LOGO programming language. Not sure what Turtle Graphics and LOGO programming is? The original Turtle Graphics allowed a user to enter commands which represented what would be drawn out out on a Cartesian plane. Droid Draw brings this same functionality to Android users. Not sure what to do? Make sure to check out the help section in the app or visit the website. There is information on how to use the app and what every command does. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.0.0,4 commit=6721ed5417ae subdir=DroidDrawClient srclibs=ActionBarSherlock@6e3f2bb5 prebuild=sed -i 's@\(android.library.reference.1=\).*@\1$$ActionBarSherlock$$@' update=.,../TouchListView target=android-15 Build:1.1.1,6 disable=libraries dont build commit=v1.1.1 subdir=app gradle=yes prebuild=sed -i -e 's/' build.gradle ../libraries/actionbarsherlock/build.gradle ../libraries/DragSortListView/build.gradle Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:4.4.0 Current Version Code:440