86 lines
4.1 KiB
86 lines
4.1 KiB
Web Site:http://adblockplus.org/en/android
Source Code:https://hg.adblockplus.org/adblockplusandroid
Issue Tracker:https://adblockplus.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=11
# Links to Paypal currently
Auto Name:Adblock Plus
Summary:Ad blocker
'''N.B''' If you get a http error 400 when updating the F-Droid client, it is
probably caused by this app and you will need to disable ad-blocking
to allow the F-Droid repos to update correctly.
Adblock Plus runs in the background and filters ads, using the same filters as
the Adblock Plus browser extension.
Without needing root, it uses a proxy feature that comes with Android 3.1+
to block ads over WiFi ; but if your phone comes with
extra proxy settings (e.g. Samsung or Custom ROMs), it can be
configured for Android 3.0 and below.
Instructions are provided in the app or on their
[https://adblockplus.org/en/android-config website].
Requires root: No. Without root it uses a local proxy to filter ads for all apps
'''over WiFi only''' ; if you allow root the app can edit the hosts file too and
block ads on cellular data access points.
The proxy does use quite a bit of RAM but the root method does not.
Anti-features: Tracking: The app checks regularly for new versions
on the developers' website. Ads: Adblock plus have an 'acceptable ads'
policy so ads from certain companies won't be blocked. The ads aren't been shown
within this app so this anti-feature serves as a temporary warning.
''Firefox'' has addons for Adblock Plus and Adblock Edge which will block ads
just within Firefox and no other app is needed.
Repo Type:hg
Build Version:1.0.1,168,1.0.1,srclibs=RootTools@211,\
init=rm -rf iptables/ libs/RootTools-1.7.jar build.xml && \
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/iptables,prebuild=\
echo "source.dir=src;$$RootTools$$/src" >> ant.properties && cd iptables && \
git apply ../iptables.patch && sed -i 's@ndk-build@$$NDK$$/ndk-build@g' Makefile && \
make fixextensions build && mv libs/armeabi/iptables ../assets/install/,buildjni=yes
Build Version:1.1,238,1.1,srclibs=RootTools@211,\
init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ iptables/ libs/* obj/ build.xml && \
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/iptables,prebuild=\
echo "source.dir=src;$$RootTools$$/src" >> ant.properties && cd iptables && \
git apply ../iptables.patch && sed -i 's@ndk-build@$$NDK$$/ndk-build@g' Makefile && \
make fixextensions build && mv libs/armeabi/iptables ../assets/install/,buildjni=yes
Build Version:1.1.1,248,1.1.1,srclibs=RootTools@211,\
init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ iptables/ libs/* obj/ build.xml && \
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/iptables,prebuild=\
echo "source.dir=src;$$RootTools$$/src" >> ant.properties && cd iptables && \
git apply ../iptables.patch && sed -i 's@ndk-build@$$NDK$$/ndk-build@g' Makefile && \
make fixextensions build && mv libs/armeabi/iptables ../assets/install/,buildjni=yes
Build Version:1.1.2,253,1.1.2,\
rm libs/RootTools-1.7.jar && cp -r $$iptables$$ . && \
echo "source.dir=src;$$RootTools$$/src" >> ant.properties && \
cd iptables && git apply ../iptables.patch && \
python extensions/fixinit.py,build=cd iptables && \
$$NDK$$/ndk-build NDK_PROJECT_PATH=. APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=./Android.mk && \
mv libs/armeabi/iptables ../assets/install/,buildjni=no
Build Version:1.1.3,270,1.1.3,\
rm libs/RootTools-1.7.jar && cp -r $$iptables$$ . && \
echo "source.dir=src;$$RootTools$$/src" >> ant.properties && \
cd iptables && git apply ../iptables.patch && \
python extensions/fixinit.py,build=cd iptables && \
$$NDK$$/ndk-build NDK_PROJECT_PATH=. APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=./Android.mk && \
mv libs/armeabi/iptables ../assets/install/,buildjni=no
Auto Update Mode:None
Update Check Mode:Tags
Current Version:1.1.3
Current Version Code:270