2012-09-11 11:48:17 +01:00

29 lines
1.5 KiB

Web Site:http://code.google.com/p/alogcat/
Source Code:http://code.google.com/p/alogcat/source/checkout
Issue Tracker:http://code.google.com/p/alogcat/issues/list
Summary:System and app log viewer
An app equivalent of logcat from the terminal. You can filter by importance
in the settings: see only errors or view general debugging info. The result can then be filtered by keyword
so if an app has problems you can send just the relevant logs to the
developer. But watch out, the filter remains in place unless you remove it!
Repo Type:git-svn
Build Version:2.1.6,34,28
Build Version:2.3,36,30
Build Version:2.3.2,38,31,prebuild=find . -type f -name \*.java -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "s/^import org\.jtb\.alogcat\.donate\.R;$/import org.jtb.alogcat.R;/g" && sed -i "s/org.jtb.alogcat.donate/org.jtb.alogcat/" AndroidManifest.xml
Build Version:2.4,39,37
Build Version:2.5,40,41,prebuild=find . -type f -name \*.java -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "s/^import org\.jtb\.alogcat\.donate\.R;$/import org.jtb.alogcat.R;/g" && sed -i "s/org.jtb.alogcat.donate/org.jtb.alogcat/" AndroidManifest.xml
Build Version:2.6.1,43,48,prebuild=find . -type f -name \*.java -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "s/^import org\.jtb\.alogcat\.donate\.R;$/import org.jtb.alogcat.R;/g" && sed -i "s/org.jtb.alogcat.donate/org.jtb.alogcat/" AndroidManifest.xml
Update Check Mode:Market
Current Version:2.6.1
Current Version Code:43