Hans-Christoph Steiner 6dc775b236
rewrite all .txt with 'Auto Update Mode:None' (a-c)
for f in `grep --files-with-matches 'Auto Update Mode:None' metadata/*.txt |sed 's,^metadata/\(.*\)\.txt$,\1,'`; do echo $f; done >  /tmp/rewrite
fdroid rewritemeta --to yml `cat /tmp/rewrite`
for f in `cat /tmp/rewrite`; do git rm -f metadata/${f}.txt; git add metadata/${f}.yml; done
2019-08-19 13:13:47 +02:00

42 lines
1.1 KiB

- Navigation
License: Apache-2.0
WebSite: https://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Plakatkarte
SourceCode: https://github.com/boombuler/piraten_map_app
IssueTracker: https://github.com/boombuler/piraten_map_app/issues
Donate: https://www.piratenpartei.de/mitmachen/spenden
AutoName: Piraten Karte
Summary: Plakate App der Piraten Partei Deutschland
Description: |-
Sammle Informationen über Plakate und deren Standorte mit dieser App. So findet
man die Plakate später nach der Wahl alle leicht wieder und kann sie abhängen.
Note: This app is currently only useful in Germany. It is used by the local
Pirate Party to track election posters.
RepoType: git
Repo: https://github.com/boombuler/piraten_map_app.git
- versionName: 1.3.0
versionCode: 1300
commit: v1.3.0
target: android-19
- versionName: 1.3.2
versionCode: 1320
commit: v1.3.2
target: android-19
- versionName: 1.3.3
versionCode: 1330
disable: https://github.com/boombuler/piraten_map_app/issues/11
commit: v1.3.3
target: android-19
AutoUpdateMode: None
UpdateCheckMode: Tags
CurrentVersion: 1.3.3
CurrentVersionCode: 1330