David Black 788e8132d0 add commented-out builds for 9 apps that would allow the NonFreeDep anti-feature to be
removed. These apps function, but there are another handful that won't
work at all if Google maps shared library isn't installed.
2012-12-29 19:06:58 +00:00

36 lines
1.5 KiB

#NonFreeDep can be removed with the Manifest patch below, but the OSM still may not work
Web Site:http://www.mixare.org/
Source Code:http://github.com/danielegobbetti/mixare
Issue Tracker:http://code.google.com/p/mixare/issues/list
Summary:Augmented reality browser
Point the camera and see what's around. Uses a variety of sources, including Wikipedia , Twitter,
OpenStreetMap and mixare.org. Versions after 0.9.2 use a different repository which avoids the Google Maps
requirement and use OSM instead. (This is not fully implemented yet.). Needless to say Google Maps don't
function in the f-droid build.
Repo Type:git
#Old repo used prior to v0.9
Build Version:0.6.6,14,744ac02f4bd5b
Build Version:0.7.3,20,58ce276f9e209
Build Version:0.8.2,23,!b17820b40d59 but need to resolve build issue - now has libraries that need building
Build Version:0.9.2,26,6450ce9af6,prebuild=rm -f plugins/mixare-library/build.xml && \
$$SDK$$/tools/android update project -p plugins/mixare-library/
#Build Version:0.9.2,26,6450ce9af6,init=rm plugins/mixare-library/build.xml,\
#sed -i 's/<uses-library android:name="com.google.android.maps" \/>/<uses-library android:name="com.google.android.maps" android:required="false" \/>/g' AndroidManifest.xml
Update Check Mode:Market
Current Version:0.9.2
Current Version Code:26