probably never will be again. Useful recipes (those that build but can't be included due to non-commercial licence, Google Maps use etc.) have their builds disabled with a "!". OSMdroid is one exception: it may be useful but is still Disabled. Ones that don't build and can never been included or are of no use have been deleted. Also OTPDroid build has been enabled.
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Web Site:https://github.com/shkschneider/android_DropBearServer
Source Code:https://github.com/shkschneider/android_DropBearServer
Issue Tracker:https://github.com/shkschneider/android_DropBearServer/issues
Summary:SSH Server using DropBear
N.B DropBear app v2 now available!
This is a SSH server using DropBear, allows you to easily install, configure
and run a Secured SHell server.
Repo Type:git
# the (closed) issue to remove the patch has been created at https://github.com/shkschneider/android_DropBearServer/issues/5
# D.B. the app builds with the patch but the CM dropbear repo is not producing dbclient according to res/raw
Build Version:1.9.4,194,!no source for dbclient 1.9.4,target=android-10,patch=ActionBar.patch,\
sed -i 's@\(android.library.reference.3=\).*@\1$$ActionBar$$@' project.properties && \
sed -i 's@\(android.library.reference.1=\).*@\1$$ViewPagerTabs$$@' project.properties && \
sed -i 's@\(android.library.reference.2=\).*@\1$$UITableView$$@' project.properties && \
rm res/raw/* && \
mkdir -p jni/dropbear && \
cp -r $$Dropbear$$/* jni/dropbear/ && \
echo 'include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)' > jni/Android.mk && \
$$NDK$$/ndk-build && \
mv libs/armeabi/dropbear res/raw/dropbear && \
mv libs/armeabi/dropbearkey res/raw/dropbearkey && \
mv libs/armeabi/scp res/raw/scp && \
mv libs/armeabi/ssh res/raw/ssh && \
mv libs/armeabi/sftp-client res/raw/sftp_client && \
echo "Welcome to DropBear SSH Server!" > res/raw/banner
Update Check Mode:None