For Kid3 3.8.0, I upgraded Qt to the latest recommended LTS version 5.12.4. Unfortunately, this makes the current build recipe fail because this Qt version now uses Gradle instead of Ant and the SDK and NDK versions were updated too. I have fixed the build commands to work for Kid3 3.8.0 and tested them on a local buildserver.
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84 lines
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- Multimedia
License: GPL-2.0-or-later
AuthorName: Urs Fleisch
AuthorEmail: ufleisch@users.sourceforge.net
WebSite: https://kid3.sourceforge.io
SourceCode: https://git.code.sf.net/p/kid3/code
IssueTracker: https://sourceforge.net/p/kid3/bugs/
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2PAUL5K5TX8AA&source=url
AutoName: Kid3
Description: |-
With Kid3, an audio tag editor, you can:
* Edit ID3v1.1 tags in your MP3 files
* Edit all ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 frames in your MP3 files
* Convert between ID3v1.1, ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 tags
* Edit tags in MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, Opus, DSF, FLAC, MPC, APE, MP4/AAC, MP2, Speex, TrueAudio, WavPack, WMA, WAV, AIFF files and tracker modules.
* Edit tags of multiple files, e.g. the artist, album, year and genre of all files of an album typically have the same values and can be set together
* Generate tags from filenames
* Generate tags from the contents of tag fields
* Generate filenames from tags
* Generate playlist files
* Automatic case conversion and string translation
* Import from gnudb.org, TrackType.org, MusicBrainz, Discogs, Amazon
RepoType: git
Repo: https://git.code.sf.net/p/kid3/code
- versionName: 3.7.1
versionCode: 15
commit: v3.7.1
sudo: apt-get install -y docbook-xsl
output: android-build/kid3/android/bin/QtApp-release-unsigned.apk
target: android-19
- mkdir -p qt android-build
- cd qt
- for ms in qttranslations:e08e6b4db93a7b761d64d5bedbeaaf7c4c9e9f0b qttools:1afbf2026f8db7a55c5dca857c50469fdd24ca77
qtsvg:d1287d3523773a4daf9c7af5c0c1137708614a68 qtquickcontrols2:445b1fb541479c6ad0fca349e8629549b7679ca5
qtmultimedia:304cd3dcb3ac4cb00adf3a0e2a0c903d9eec0a69 qtimageformats:06ef7ff597d6b429fae3074e137e9a2ada779988
qtdeclarative:857fd00eb5be840fa89632c9d45d3ed49fa089a4 qtbase:0a8186830b6a70e8962a6f1d9c632a4265af05a2
qtandroidextras:bca23aacc75ae5e509463152cd5c7722c0eae9f0; do m=${ms%:*}; s=${ms#*:};
wget -q https://download.qt.io/online/qtsdkrepository/linux_x64/android/qt5_597/qt.qt5.597.android_armv7/$fn;
echo "$s $fn" | sha1sum -c
- 7zr x $fn; done
- export QTPREFIX=$(pwd)/5.9.7/android_armv7
- cd ../android-build
- COMPILER=cross-android ../buildlibs.sh
ndk: r10e
- versionName: 3.8.0
versionCode: 16
commit: v3.8.0
sudo: apt-get install -y docbook-xsl
output: android-build/kid3/android/build/outputs/apk/release/android-release-unsigned.apk
target: android-22
- mkdir -p qt android-build
- cd qt
- for ms in qttranslations:b64ae71035fbc1b82fc7111f7d1ff04886aaeb56 qttools:e06cd25eb36b8617897b2c3334dc2cbe1295b974
qtsvg:b16cc7ca9dd88d0e0b0be1341becadb133f6dd4a qtquickcontrols2:01b4f3bf0bc65b528827aae88554f25409ee1dbd
qtmultimedia:29cada686ea1505b5fb2c9818496f65f701ddf08 qtimageformats:6d55fab04c23577ac97aeb5fe168252426f5229d
qtdeclarative:62983f284b96a85a193c3b82ec166ed80a964722 qtbase:b29bcbfa9c0d0a7216851fe2051615379930f1d2
qtandroidextras:a3f7a78d5c997339ce59d821e9388a7f0919dcbc; do m=${ms%:*}; s=${ms#*:};
wget -q https://download.qt.io/online/qtsdkrepository/linux_x64/android/qt5_5124/qt.qt5.5124.android_armv7/$fn;
echo "$s $fn" | sha1sum -c
- 7zr x $fn; done
- export QTPREFIX=$(pwd)/5.12.4/android_armv7
- cd ../android-build
- COMPILER=cross-android ../buildlibs.sh
ndk: r19c
AutoUpdateMode: Version v%v
UpdateCheckMode: HTTP
UpdateCheckData: https://sourceforge.net/p/kid3/code/ci/master/tree/CMakeLists.txt?format=raw|set\(QT_ANDROID_APP_VERSION_CODE\s+(.*)\)|https://sourceforge.net/p/kid3/code/ci/master/tree/kid3.lsm?format=raw|Version:\s*(\S+)
CurrentVersion: 3.8.0
CurrentVersionCode: 16