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Web Site:https://github.com/caarmen/network-monitor/blob/master/README.md
Source Code:https://github.com/caarmen/network-monitor/
Issue Tracker:https://github.com/caarmen/network-monitor/issues
Auto Name:Network Monitor
Summary:Check network connectivity
Network Monitor is a diagnostic tool which periodically tests your network
connection and logs the results to a database on the phone. It tests the
connection by retrieving the main Google page (http://www.google.com) in
two different ways:
* An HTTP connection (the type of connection used by the browser and other web apps)
* A basic socket connection (a type of connection used by other apps)
It also logs other information about your device and connection status, such as:
* The network type (WiFi, mobile/EDGE, mobile/HSPA, etc)
* The WiFi SSID or APN
* The device's location (latitude, longitude)
* The cell tower's ids
* The signal strength (from 0 to 4)
* Other information...
You can send yourself a report of the collected data, in several formats
(Excel, CSV, HTML, KML, the raw database). The report will also contain a
summary of the success rate of the connection tests, per cell tower and
WiFi access point.
* WARNING: This app is a diagnostic/debugging app which may use a lot of battery and data.
Repo Type:git
prebuild=sed -i -e '/proprietaryCompile/d' build.gradle
Auto Update Mode:Version netmon-%v
Update Check Mode:Tags ^netmon-
Current Version:1.18.1
Current Version Code:11801