49 lines
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49 lines
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Category:Science & Education
Web Site:https://github.com/quen/kanjirecog/tree/android
Source Code:https://github.com/quen/kanjirecog/tree/android
Issue Tracker:https://github.com/quen/kanjirecog/issues
Summary:Kanji recognition
A simple application that lets you draw Japanese characters (kanji) using the touch screen. It is
intended for Japanese language learners who might need to enter characters in order to look
them up in a dictionary or enter them on a website.
It identifies the character you have drawn using a special form of handwriting recognition. You can
select the correct character from a list. After entering one or more characters, you can copy them into
the clipboard as text for use in a dictionary.
Note that this will NOT work - at all - if you don't know basically how to draw kanji. If you just draw
something any old way that looks like it, it certainly won't be recognised. You have to draw characters
basically the official way.
That said there are two forms of recognition: exact (you must enter the character with the correct
stroke count, stroke order, and direction) and inexact (you must draw basically the correct strokes
but can use any order and direction). If the inexact search doesn't find it, you can try searching
for characters with 1 stroke more or fewer than you drew. This might sound complicated but the
interface is easy; you get exact results straight away, if it's not there then hit the button and wait
for inexact results (this takes several seconds, there's a progress bar), and if it's not there either,
you can go onto the +/- 1 results.
# If you've drawn a character and the 'Done' button is still greyed out, this is because it's still loading
the data file. It usually only takes a few seconds, so please wait. This only happens the first time you
draw a character after starting the app.
# Some characters don't work very well if you draw them in the normal handwriting style. The data is based
on print style. If you have difficulty getting a character recognised, try drawing it like the print version.
# This program is based on the leafdigital kanjirecog library in the same source repo. Uses kanji drawing
database derived from the SVG kanji stroke order images produced by the KanjiVG project and released under
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license. See [http://kanjivg.tagaini.net kanjivg.tagaini.net].
Repo Type:git
Build Version:1.0,2,63fca25a224,prebuild=rm -rf tests design
Update Check Mode:Market
Current Version:1.0
Current Version Code:2