2019-07-10 22:00:41 +02:00

40 lines
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Provides: com.wikijourney.wikijourney
- Navigation
License: Apache-2.0
WebSite: https://www.wikijourney.eu/
SourceCode: https://github.com/WikiJourney/wikijourney_app
IssueTracker: https://github.com/WikiJourney/wikijourney_app/issues
Changelog: https://github.com/WikiJourney/wikijourney_app/releases
AutoName: WikiJourney
Description: |-
Rediscover tourism with WikiJourney!
[https://www.wikijourney.eu/ WikiJourney] is an app that allows tourists to
visit a town with Wikipedia information. The app looks around the user for the
points of interest, lists them, then creates a custom trail according to the
user's likes and the time he has.
* Find POIs around me: the app locates you, and the automatically searches on English Wikipedia the available POIs.
* Map display: once you have been located, the app displays your location with every POIs around you on a map. By tapping one of these points, a bubble displays more information, and links to the Wikipedia article.
* List of POIs: a screen gathers every POIs found by the app, for a fast and easy interaction.
RepoType: git
Repo: https://github.com/WikiJourney/wikijourney_app
- versionName: 1.2.0
versionCode: 21
commit: v1.2.0
subdir: app
- yes
AutoUpdateMode: Version v%v
UpdateCheckMode: Tags
CurrentVersion: 1.2.0
CurrentVersionCode: 21