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Category:Phone & SMS
Web Site:http://www.linphone.org
Source Code:http://www.linphone.org/eng/download/git.html
Issue Tracker:
Summary:SIP (VOIP) client
* Audio with the following codecs: speex (narrow band and wideband), iLBC, G711, GSM, G722, Silk
* Video with VP8, mpeg4 and H264 codecs (ARMv7 only)
* Audio multicall and conferencing
* SRTP media encryption
* Echo cancellation
* Address book integration
* Call history
* Multiple accounts support
We are working on providing a source-built version for the latest 2.0.0
releases. Until then, you can find apks on the project's website.
Repo Type:git
Build Version:2.0.2,2002,!wip 2.0.2,submodules=yes,update=no,\
init=cd submodules/linphone && git submodule init && git submodule update && cd ../../,\
prebuild=export NDK_PATH=$$NDK$$ && rm -rf tests && \
echo "sdk.dir=$$SDK$$" > local.properties && \
sed -i 's@\(all:\).*@\1 prepare-sources generate-libs@' Makefile && make && \
sed -i 's/debuggable ="true"/debuggable="false"/g' AndroidManifest.xml && \
sed -i 's/markets\">true/markets\">=false/g' res/values/non_localizable_custom.xml,buildjni=no
Auto Update Mode:None
Update Check Mode:Market
Current Version:2.0.2
Current Version Code:2002