2018-12-21 23:58:47 +09:00

59 lines
2 KiB

- Money
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
SourceCode: https://github.com/ElijaxApps-org/android-xmrig-miner/
IssueTracker: https://github.com/ElijaxApps-org/android-xmrig-miner/issues
Changelog: https://github.com/ElijaxApps-org/android-xmrig-miner/releases
Donate: https://paypal.me/ElijaxApps
Bitcoin: 37GpugVZNiof2DzWQX5aivHewc4wZLxATL
Name: Android XMRig Miner
AutoName: AndroidMiner
Summary: Mine cryptocoins with XMRig miner on your smartphone
Description: |-
This is a direct port of XMRIG Miner to an APP. With this,
you can mine different crypto coins based on the cryptonight
* Please, read DISCLAIMER below.
<b>Supported Currencies</b>
* XMR (Monero)
* Not tested, but should do also ETN, SUMO, AEON, WOW, ...
<b>Supported Pools</b>
* www.supportxmr.com
* ... and others. If it does not work ...
* [Send your suggestions vía IssueTracker]
* <b>Benchmark</b> Run on my settings. Benchmark your phone,
earn my some hashes (c'mon, it's an ADs free version ;)
* <b>Standard</b> Configure your miner to connect to supported
pools. You're welcome to test new pools and open an Issue if
your favourite does not work.
<b>DISCLAIMER</b> In case you didn't know, using miners could
damage your hardware. There is a Safe Mode activated by default,
and should only be deactivated by experienced users for tweaking
reasons. By using this app, you agree that I am not responsible
for any posible damage caused to your devices, and that you have
been warned and you are also aware of this.
RepoType: git
Repo: https://github.com/ElijaxApps-org/android-xmrig-miner.git
- versionName: '1.02'
versionCode: 5
commit: v1.02
- yes
output: app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-universal-release-unsigned.apk
- :libuv:assembleRelease
AutoUpdateMode: Version v%v
UpdateCheckMode: Tags
CurrentVersion: '1.02'
CurrentVersionCode: 5