2012-08-29 11:54:42 +01:00

21 lines
999 B

Web Site:https://code.google.com/p/androidomatic-keyer
Source Code:https://code.google.com/p/androidomatic-keyer/source/list
Issue Tracker:https://code.google.com/p/androidomatic-keyer/issues/list
Summary:Morse code keyer
This project enables ham radio operators to use their android phones as memory keyers to send CW or Hellschreiber signals using any radio transmitter capable of putting out a carrier wave. The application presents a list of editable phrases, then plays the selected phrase as morse code (or Hellschriber) through the sound output. The audible tones produced may be used directly if a modulated signal is desired, but the sound can also be routed through an easy-to-build interface which converts this sound into on/off keying for the transmitter.
Repo Type:hg
Build Version:1.0,10,7266db,target=android-7
Update Check Mode:Market
Current Version:1.0
Current Version Code:10