2013-06-24 16:54:10 +01:00

44 lines
2 KiB

Web Site:
Source Code:https://github.com/wbaumann/SmartReceiptsPro
Issue Tracker:https://github.com/wbaumann/SmartReceiptsPro/issues
Auto Name:Smart Receipts
Summary:Receipt scanner/expense reporter
Turns your phone into a receipt scanner and expense report generator. Just
take pictures of your receipts and email yourself a PDF and CSV file.
Smart Receipts tracks receipt data and allows you to generate both PDF and
CSV reports that can be shared with your email accounts. The PDF reports
are tabulated to improve readability and look professional.
Repo Type:git
# default.properties references an unknown lib, breaking the build. Fortunately, the lib is not needed.
# See https://github.com/wbaumann/Smart-Receipts/issues/2
Build Version:1.1.1,12,d5684ee0bb7210e8b9205e932feba1b2eed21f50,subdir=SmartReceipts,prebuild=sed -i -e 's/^android.library.reference.1/#android.library.reference.1/' project.properties
# the above issue is supposed to be fixed but still it won't build
#Build Version:1.1.14,45,e51ae123,subdir=SmartReceipts
Build Version:1.2.1,53,!Build problems 84c786b6a5,subdir=SmartReceipts,target=android-8,prebuild=\
mv lib libs && rm libs/wbflex.jar && \
sed -i -e 's/^android.library.reference.1/#android.library.reference.1/' project.properties
Build Version:2.2.1,80,v2.2.1,forceversion=yes,init=rm -rf bin gen,\
cp $$SmartReceipts$$/libs/android-support-v4.jar $$ActionBarSherlock$$/libs/ && \
cp $$SmartReceipts$$/libs/android-support-v4.jar $$AndroidCamera-WB$$/libs/ && \
rm $$AndroidCamera-WB$$/src/wb/android/google/camera/util/LinkedNode.java && \
sed -i 's@\(.1=\).*@\1$$SmartReceipts$$@' project.properties
# Tags can be used hopefully for srclibs in next version
Auto Update Mode:None
# device variable
Update Check Mode:Tags
Current Version:2.2.0
Current Version Code:80