#!/usr/bin/env python3 from bot import Bot import logging import mastodon import re from report import Report logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MastodonBot(Bot): def crawl(self, user): """ Crawl mentions from Mastodon. :return: list of statuses """ mentions = [] try: m = mastodon.Mastodon(*user.get_masto_credentials()) except TypeError: # No Mastodon Credentials in database. return mentions try: notifications = m.notifications() except mastodon.MastodonNetworkError: logger.error("Mastodon Network Error.") return mentions except mastodon.MastodonInternalServerError: try: logger.error("Mastodon Error: 500. Server: " + m.instance()['urls']['streaming_api']) except mastodon.MastodonServerError: logger.error("Mastodon Server Error 500, can't get instance.") return mentions except mastodon.MastodonBadGatewayError: try: logger.error("Mastodon Error: 502. Server: " + m.instance()['urls']['streaming_api']) except mastodon.MastodonServerError: logger.error("Mastodon Server Error 502, can't get instance.") return mentions except mastodon.MastodonServiceUnavailableError: try: logger.error("Mastodon Error: 503. Server: " + m.instance()['urls']['streaming_api']) except mastodon.MastodonServerError: logger.error("Mastodon Server Error 503, can't get instance.") return mentions except mastodon.MastodonGatewayTimeoutError: try: logger.error("Mastodon Error: 504. Server: " + m.instance()['urls']['streaming_api']) except mastodon.MastodonServerError: logger.error("Mastodon Server Error 504, can't get instance.") return mentions except mastodon.MastodonServerError: try: logger.error("Unknown Mastodon Server Error. Server: " + m.instance()['urls']['streaming_api'], exc_info=True) except mastodon.MastodonServerError: logger.error("Unknown Mastodon Server Error.", exc_info=True) return mentions for status in notifications: if (status['type'] == 'mention' and not user.toot_is_seen(status['status']['uri'])): # save state user.toot_witness(status['status']['uri']) # add mention to mentions text = re.sub(r'<[^>]*>', '', status['status']['content']) text = re.sub( "(?<=^|(?<=[^a-zA-Z0-9-_.]))@([A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9-_]+)", "", text) if status['status']['visibility'] == 'public': mentions.append(Report(status['account']['acct'], self, text, status['status']['id'], status['status']['created_at'])) else: mentions.append(Report(status['account']['acct'], 'mastodonPrivate', text, status['status']['id'], status['status']['created_at'])) return mentions def post(self, user, report): try: m = mastodon.Mastodon(*user.get_masto_credentials()) except TypeError: return # no mastodon account for this user. if report.source == self: try: m.status_reblog(report.id) except Exception: logger.error('Error boosting: ' + report.id, exc_info=True) else: text = report.text if len(text) > 500: text = text[:500 - 4] + u' ...' try: m.toot(text) except Exception: logger.error('Error tooting: ' + user.get_city() + ': ' + report.id, exc_info=True)