[mastodon] Change mastodon_create to accept json instead of URL parameters

missytake 2023-03-18 21:25:11 +01:00
parent 36638b1c64
commit cb88c24e2e
1 changed files with 11 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ class BodyMastodonPublic(BaseModel):
instance: str
class BodyMastodonAccount(BaseModel):
email: str
instance_url: str
password: str
async def get_mastodon(mastodon_id, hood=Depends(get_hood)):
return await MastodonAccount.objects.get(id=mastodon_id, hood=hood)
@ -138,24 +144,21 @@ async def mastodon_stop(mastodon=Depends(get_mastodon)):
# TODO response_model
async def mastodon_create(instance_url, username, password, hood=Depends(get_hood)):
async def mastodon_create(values: BodyMastodonAccount, hood=Depends(get_hood)):
"""Add a Mastodon Account to a Ticketfrei account.
open questions:
do we really get the username + password like this?
can the instance_url have different ways of writing?
:param: instance_url: the API base URL of the mastodon server
:param: username: the username of the Mastodon account
:param: password: the password of the Mastodon account
:param: values: a BodyMastodonAccount object in json
:param: hood: the hood ORM object
instance = await get_mastodon_instance(instance_url)
instance = await get_mastodon_instance(values.instance_url)
account = Mastodon(
instance.client_id, instance.client_secret, api_base_url=instance_url
instance.client_id, instance.client_secret, api_base_url=values.instance_url
access_token = account.log_in(username, password)
access_token = account.log_in(values.email, values.password)
except MastodonError:
logger.warning("Login to Mastodon failed.", exc_info=True)
return # show error to user