# Kibicara Contribution Guidelines ## Setup Development Environment 1. Install `python>=3.7` 2. Create a virtual environment with `python3 -m venv .venv` 3. Activate your dev environment with `source .venv/bin/activate` 4. Install with `pip install .` 5. Install development dependencies with `pip install tox black` 6. Add git-hook to run test and stylecheck before commmit with `ln -s ../../git-hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit` 7. Add git-hook to check commmit message format with `ln -s ../../git-hooks/commit-msg .git/hooks/commit-msg` ### Build and Test Cycle - Install with `pip install .` - Execute with `kibicara` - Interact with Swagger REST-API Documentation: http://localhost:8000/docs - Test and stylecheck with `tox` - Fix style issues with `black -S kibicara tests` ## Branches - **Master:** The master branch tracks the last stable release. - Releases will be done using release tags. - Force push and pushes without group consent are disallowed. - There never should be a merge commit from development into master! - **Development:** The development branch is used to add new features. - Only rebase of feature branches is allowed. - On Release the development branch will be rebased onto master and a release tag will be created on master - **Feature-Branches:** - A feature branch will be used to develop a feature. - It belongs to one developer only and force push is allowed. - A rebase onto development is necessary to merge the feature. Code reviews are encouraged. ## Write Tests We use [pytest](https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/) as a test engine. It is executed by `tox`, so you need to run `tox` on the command line to run the tests. ## Commit Messages Commits should define small components. Please write your commits with the following pattern: `[core] Add censor for filtering messages #1312` Use these: - [core] Feature for Kibicara core - [frontend] Feature for Kibicara frontend - [] Feature for platforms, e.g. - [twitter] - [telegram] - [email] - ... - [tests] Tests - [doc] Documentation - [misc] e.g. github action files - #\d+ if commit is related to specific issues or merge requests ## Comments ### Python We use pdoc3, which takes prose and comments automatically from the docstrings in the repository. Use [google style](https://github.com/google/styleguide/blob/gh-pages/pyguide.md#38-comments-and-docstrings) comments to secure correct display of your docstrings. Please don't leave trailing whitespace or empty lines at the end of your files. ## Merge Requests The main development team does not need to make merge requests. If you open a merge request, please include a description which explains the improvement. ### Code reviews Before a merge request gets rebased onto and merged into `development`, at least one person has to approve it; this also increases the number of people who know the code. So please request a review from someone from the core development team. ## Implement a new Platform/Social Network ### tl;dr 1. Implement the following modules in `platforms//`: - `bot.py` - `model.py` - `webapi.py` 2. Import your bot in `kibicara/webapi/__init__.py`. ### Explanation In `kibicara/platforms//bot.py`, you write the functions through which the platform asks the social network for new messages, and publishes messages to the social network. You need to inherit the bot from the `Censor` class at `kibicara/platformapi.py`. In `kibicara/platforms//model.py`, you define a database layout. You will probably need to store the following things: * authentication credentials, * timestamps/IDs of the last seen message, * recipients if the social network doesn't post publicly, * platform-specific settings * anything else your platform needs In `kibicara/platforms//webapi.py`, you can define HTTP routes. You will need them to: * let admins authenticate to the social network in the kibicara web interface * update platform-specific settings To run the platform, you need to import the bot in `kibicara/webapi/__init__.py`.