
103 lines
3.9 KiB

#include <error.hh>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
namespace xlang {
void ErrorListener::printError(size_t line, size_t charPositionInLine,
std::string_view msg) {
std::cerr << file << ":" << line << ":" << charPositionInLine + 1 << ": "
<< msg << std::endl;
has_error = true;
ErrorListener::ErrorListener(std::string_view inputfile)
: file{inputfile}, has_error{false} {}
bool ErrorListener::hasError() {
return has_error;
void ErrorListener::breakTooMany(antlr4::Token *token, size_t num, size_t max) {
printError(token->getLine(), token->getCharPositionInLine(),
"tried to break " + std::to_string(num) + " loops, but only " +
std::to_string(max) + " surrounding loops");
void ErrorListener::breakZero(antlr4::Token *token) {
printError(token->getLine(), token->getCharPositionInLine(),
"tried to break zero loops");
void ErrorListener::compilerError(const std::string &file, size_t line) {
std::cerr << "compiler bug in " << file << ":" << line << std::endl;
void ErrorListener::continueTooMany(antlr4::Token *token, size_t num,
size_t max) {
printError(token->getLine(), token->getCharPositionInLine(),
"tried to continue " + std::to_string(num) + " loops, but only " +
std::to_string(max) + " surrounding loops");
void ErrorListener::continueZero(antlr4::Token *token) {
printError(token->getLine(), token->getCharPositionInLine(),
"tried to continue zero loops");
void ErrorListener::duplicateFunction(antlr4::Token *token,
const std::string &name) {
printError(token->getLine(), token->getCharPositionInLine(),
"duplicate function '" + name + "'");
void ErrorListener::loopControlWithoutLoop(antlr4::Token *token) {
printError(token->getLine(), token->getCharPositionInLine(),
"loop control statement without loop");
void ErrorListener::shadowedVariable(antlr4::Token *token,
const std::string &name) {
printError(token->getLine(), token->getCharPositionInLine(),
"definition of variable '" + name +
"' shadows previously defined variable");
void ErrorListener::syntaxError([[maybe_unused]] antlr4::Recognizer *recognizer,
[[maybe_unused]] antlr4::Token *offendingSymbol,
size_t line, size_t charPositionInLine,
const std::string &msg,
[[maybe_unused]] std::exception_ptr e) {
printError(line, charPositionInLine, msg);
void ErrorListener::typeMismatch(antlr4::Token *token, Type expected,
Type actual) {
printError(token->getLine(), token->getCharPositionInLine(),
"expected type '" + typeToString(expected) + "', but got '" +
typeToString(actual) + "'");
void ErrorListener::unknownFunction(antlr4::Token *token,
const std::string &name) {
printError(token->getLine(), token->getCharPositionInLine(),
"unknown function '" + name + "'");
void ErrorListener::unknownVariable(antlr4::Token *token,
const std::string &name) {
printError(token->getLine(), token->getCharPositionInLine(),
"unknown variable '" + name + "'");
void ErrorListener::wrongArgumentNumber(antlr4::Token *token,
const std::string &name,
size_t expected, size_t actual) {
printError(token->getLine(), token->getCharPositionInLine(),
"function '" + name + "' expects " + std::to_string(expected) +
" arguments, but got " + std::to_string(actual));
} // namespace xlang