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2018-01-07 01:24:18 +00:00
% This is the outer theme file of the Feather theme.
% Copyright (c) 2014 by Lilyana Vaskova Vankova <>
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You can find the GNU General Public License at <>.
\ProvidesPackage{beamerouterthemeFeather}[2014/04/08 v1.0.0 The Feather Beamer Theme]
% load required packages
% Theme options, definitions and templates.
% options for the progress bar/circle
\def\beamer@progressmovingCircCnt{movingCircCnt} % moving circular counter
\def\beamer@progressfixedCircCnt{fixedCircCnt} % fixed circular counter
\def\beamer@progresscorner{corner} % a counter
\def\beamer@progressstyle{movingCircCnt} % default
% the height of the header is 2.5 times the lineheight of the frame title
\usebeamerfont{frametitle} %use the frame title font
% reset fonts
% radius of the logo
% width of the border
\setlength{\beamer@borderwidth}{1.05mm} % as small is the thickness of the border the whole circle goes up
% inner radius of border of the logo frame
% radius of the outer border of the logo frame
% radius of the counters
% beamer specific options
\mode<presentation> % refers to the first four modes (beamer,handout,second and trans). That is, to all modes except the article mode
\setbeamercolor{Feather}{use={structure,palette sidebar primary},fg=palette sidebar primary.fg,bg=structure.fg}
% headline
% footline
{\usebeamercolor[fg]{frametitle}\usebeamerfont{section in head/foot}\hspace*{3.5ex}
\insertshortauthor\ |\
% frame title
\ifx\beamer@shownavsym\undefined % insert navigation symbols
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}
% macros used in the theme
%% coordinate the fancy header background
\coordinate (UL) at (0,0); %upper left corner of the slide
\coordinate (HLR) at (\paperwidth,-0.9\beamer@height); %lower right of the header
\coordinate (ULL) at (0,-0.95\beamer@height); % upper left corner of the line
\coordinate (LLR) at (\paperwidth,-1\beamer@height); % lower right corner of the line
\coordinate (ULF) at (0,-5.90\beamer@height); % upper left corner of the footline
\coordinate (LFR) at (\paperwidth,-6.08\beamer@height); % lower right corner of the footline
\coordinate (logopos) at ([shift={(-\beamer@logoouterradius-2.05\beamer@borderwidth,\beamer@height-\beamer@logoouterradius-5.5\beamer@borderwidth)}] HLR); % coordinate of the logo and the circ position
%%draw the background of the header, the circle and the logo
%% draw the blue background rectangle of the header and the line below it
\draw[draw=none,] (UL) rectangle (HLR); % background rectabgle
\draw[draw=none,fill=Feather.fg] (ULL) rectangle (LLR); % line below the background rectangle
\draw[draw=none,] (ULF) rectangle (LFR); % footline
%% draw the outer circle
\fill[fill=Feather.fg] (logopos) circle (\beamer@logoouterradius);
%% draw the inner circle
\fill[fill=normal] (logopos) circle (\beamer@logoinnerradius);
%% place the logo in the circle
\node at (logopos) {\includegraphics[width=1.75\beamer@logoradius]{Feathergraphics/2}};
%% draw progress circle/bar
\ifx\beamer@progressstyle\beamer@progressmovingCircCnt% the circular counter with a moving counter
%% calculate end position
\ifx\beamer@rotationcw\undefined% counterclockwise rotation
\pgfmathsetmacro{\progress}{220*\insertframestartpage/\inserttotalframenumber}; %%% 220 covers the entire circle, while 360 it goes twice
\else% clockwise rotation
%% draw the arc
\draw[,line width=0.2*\beamer@borderwidth] ([xshift=\beamer@counterradius] logopos) arc[radius=\beamer@counterradius, start angle=0, end angle=\progress];
\fill[] ([shift={(\progress:\beamer@counterradius)}] logopos) circle (0.25\beamer@borderwidth);
%% place the current frame number
\node[fill=normal,draw=Feather.fg,thick,circle,minimum width=2*\beamer@borderwidth] at ([xshift=\beamer@counterradius]logopos) {{\usebeamercolor[fg]{normal text}\insertframenumber}};
\ifx\beamer@progressstyle\beamer@progressfixedCircCnt % the circular counter with a fixed counter
%% draw the current frame number
\ifx\beamer@rotationcw\undefined % counterclockwise rotation
else% clockwise rotation
%% draw the arc
\draw[,line width=0.5*\beamer@borderwidth] ([xshift=\beamer@counterradius] logopos) arc (0:\progress:\beamer@counterradius);
%% place the current frame number
\node[fill=normal,draw=Feather.fg,circle,thick,minimum width=2*\beamer@borderwidth] at ([shift={(\progress:\beamer@counterradius)}] logopos) {{\usebeamercolor[fg]{normal text}\insertframenumber}};
%%setting the blocks
\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=frametitle.fg,}
\setbeamercolor{block body}{parent=normal text, use=block title,bg=Feather.fg!30}