Implement a user-facing page per city #18

opened 2019-06-10 09:41:15 +00:00 by b3yond · 1 comment

Author: @b3yond Posted at: 29.03.2018 00:18

A user-facing page should include

  • An explanation of the bot
  • An explanation of the political goals (free public transport)
  • A formular to activate mail notifications
  • A contact formular to reach out to the mod
  • Links to follow the bot on twitter & mastodon
  • Editable by the mods
  • An option to change the background image
Author: @b3yond Posted at: 29.03.2018 00:18 A user-facing page should include * [x] An explanation of the bot * [x] An explanation of the political goals (free public transport) * [x] A formular to activate mail notifications * [ ] A contact formular to reach out to the mod #46 * [x] Links to follow the bot on twitter & mastodon * [x] Editable by the mods * [ ] An option to change the background image #29
b3yond added this to the Layout improvements milestone 2019-06-10 09:41:15 +00:00

Author: @b3yond Posted at: 25.05.2018 11:00

We will transfer a dictionary to the city page via a dict.

The dict contains several attributes from the cities db table:

  • city - name of the city
  • markdown - contents of the city page, configurable by the moderator
  • masto_link - the link to the mastodon profile of the city
  • twit_link - the link to the twitter profile of the city
  • mailinglist - an E-Mail address where users can write reports to.

This is then rendered by city. The markdown is converted to html with a python function run inside SimpleTemplate.

Author: @b3yond Posted at: 25.05.2018 11:00 We will transfer a dictionary to the city page via a dict. The dict contains several attributes from the cities db table: * city - name of the city * markdown - contents of the city page, configurable by the moderator * masto_link - the link to the mastodon profile of the city * twit_link - the link to the twitter profile of the city * mailinglist - an E-Mail address where users can write reports to. This is then rendered by city. The markdown is converted to html with a python function run inside SimpleTemplate.
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Reference: juergen/ticketfrei#18
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