947 B
947 B
Campaign to build a local community around ticketfrei
Target groups
Students: usually already have a ticket, but may be solidaric
- especially design university
Leftist scene
- Flyers in alternative centers
- Graffitis in alternative neighbourhoods
- especially trade schools
- Spread flyers in bars and nightclubs
Fare Dodger
- ppl in the queue of the Service Center
Logo + Header Picture
- 1 Flyer in high-polish VAG-Layout
- 1 Flyer in DIY-Anarcho-Style
Graffiti stencils
2-3 Minutes explaining video with Anonymous-Mask und cryptical language
- Have fun with a greenscreen - a mask, floating through a populated subway
Short video how to set up your own Ticketfrei bot
Talk in alternative centers
talk, maybe 15 minutes
- How does the bot work?
- Why is this politically relevant, what is sousveillance?
- What is Ticketfreier ÖPNV & why is it good for everyone?