Florian Schmaus 5dda5cf9f2 MAXS Transport XMPP: Add submodules=yes
New versions of MAXS Transport XMPP will make use of submodules. Let's
enable it in the most recent version so that the next version won't
fail when the entry is automatically created by update check.
2013-11-25 09:46:12 +01:00
com.bigbluecup.android.launcher Fix AGS 2013-11-02 11:36:05 +11:00
com.concentricsky.android.khan Add khan academy viewer, still can't build 2013-10-30 20:59:06 +01:00
de.tum.in.tumcampus TUMCampus: Better .diff file and newest version 2013-11-23 16:39:15 +01:00
net.i2p.android.router I2P 2013-10-28 19:51:35 +01:00
org.mariotaku.twidere remove Google Play library within patch for Twidere 2013-11-23 12:27:46 +01:00
org.scummvm.scummvm Fixed ScummVM compilation with JDK7 2013-10-27 16:02:34 +11:00
org.yabause.android Added Yabause 2013-10-29 13:03:16 +11:00
uk.org.cardboardbox.wonderdroid Forgot to push wonderdroid patch... 2013-10-30 20:58:23 +01:00
a2dp.Vol.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
aarddict.android.txt Update Aard (aarddict.android) to 1.6.7 (22) 2013-11-09 15:32:32 +00:00
acr.browser.barebones.txt Update Lightning (acr.browser.barebones) to (60) 2013-11-05 00:08:42 +01:00
am.ed.importcontacts.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
An.stop.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
android.androidVNC.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-19 10:28:56 +01:00
android.game.prboom.txt PrBoom For Android (android.game.prboom): fix description 2013-11-20 21:49:17 +00:00
android.tether.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
apps.babycaretimer.txt Update Baby Care Timer (apps.babycaretimer) to 1.5 (6) 2013-11-18 20:41:37 +01:00
apps.droidnotify.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
arity.calculator.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
at.bitfire.davdroid.txt Update DAVdroid (at.bitfire.davdroid) to 0.4.3-alpha (16) 2013-11-24 22:29:52 +00:00
at.bitfire.gfxtablet.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
at.dasz.KolabDroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
at.tomtasche.reader.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
at.univie.sensorium.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
au.com.darkside.XServer.txt Update X Server (au.com.darkside.XServer) to 1.15 (15) 2013-11-19 10:28:56 +01:00
aws.apps.androidDrawables.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
aws.apps.usbDeviceEnumerator.txt More former UCM:Market apps fixed (near the end) 2013-11-18 16:20:52 +01:00
bander.notepad.txt More former UCM:Market apps fixed (near the end) 2013-11-18 16:20:52 +01:00
be.ppareit.swiftp_free.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
be.quentinloos.manille.txt Update Manille (be.quentinloos.manille) to 1.1 (2) 2013-11-16 12:54:53 +01:00
biz.codefuture.svgviewer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
biz.gyrus.yaab.txt Update YAAB (biz.gyrus.yaab) to 1.9.8 (22) 2013-11-14 07:38:18 +00:00
budo.budoist.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-18 20:41:37 +01:00
bughunter2.smsfilter.txt SMS Filter: fix merge mistake 2013-11-22 10:16:02 +00:00
caldwell.ben.bites.txt More former UCM:Market apps fixed (near the end) 2013-11-18 16:20:52 +01:00
caldwell.ben.trolly.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
campyre.android.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-19 10:28:56 +01:00
cc.co.eurdev.urecorder.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
cgeo.geocaching.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
ch.blinkenlights.android.apnswitch.txt More apps to real UCMs 2013-11-18 16:05:16 +01:00
ch.blinkenlights.android.vanilla.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
ch.blinkenlights.battery.txt More apps to real UCMs 2013-11-18 16:05:16 +01:00
ch.fixme.cowsay.txt More former UCM:Market apps fixed (near the end) 2013-11-18 16:20:52 +01:00
ch.fixme.status.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
ch.nexuscomputing.android.osciprimeics.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
ch.rrelmy.android.batterymanager.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
ch.rrelmy.android.locationcachemap.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
cm.aptoide.pt.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.abcdjdj.rootverifier.txt Update Root Verifier (com.abcdjdj.rootverifier) to 1.3 (4) 2013-11-09 18:55:57 +01:00
com.achep.widget.jellyclock.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.adam.aslfms.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.addi.txt Fix many more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-16 22:18:38 +01:00
com.adstrosoftware.launchappops.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.agiro.scanner.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.alfray.asqare.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.alfray.mandelbrot2.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.alfray.timeriffic.txt Tidy up timeriffic 2013-11-10 20:13:07 +01:00
com.amphoras.tpthelper.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-19 10:28:56 +01:00
com.andrew.apollo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.andrewshu.android.reddit.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
com.android.inputmethod.norwegian.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.android.inputmethod.pinyin.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.android.keepass.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.android.music.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.android.quake.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.android.shellms.txt Update ShellMS (com.android.shellms) to 1.2 (3) 2013-11-13 11:30:10 +00:00
com.android2.calculator3.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.androidemu.gba.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.androidemu.gbc.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.androidemu.nes.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.androidemu.snes.txt Set 3 non-free apps to disabled (builds were already disabled) 2013-11-04 10:01:06 +00:00
com.androsz.electricsleepbeta.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-18 20:41:37 +01:00
com.androzic.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.andybotting.tramhunter.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.angrydoughnuts.android.alarmclock.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anoshenko.android.mahjongg.txt More former UCM:Market apps fixed (near the end) 2013-11-18 16:20:52 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.catalan.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.danish.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.esperanto.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.french_xlarge.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.georgian.fdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.greek.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.hebrew_large.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.hungarian.txt Update AnySoftKeyboard - Hungarian Language Pack (com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.hungarian) to 20131020 (16) 2013-11-24 11:16:22 +00:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.malayalam.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.pali.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.persian.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.russian2.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.spain.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.SSH.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.ukrainian.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.anysoftkeyboard.theme.classic_pc.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.aokp.backup.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.app2go.sudokufree.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.appengine.paranoid_android.lost.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.aripuca.tracker.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.artifex.mupdfdemo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.as.anagramsolver.txt Update AnagramSolver (com.as.anagramsolver) to 2.05 (12) 2013-11-22 19:38:19 +00:00
com.aselalee.trainschedule.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.asksven.betterbatterystats.txt BetterBatteryStats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats) skip beta (40) 2013-11-10 11:35:16 +00:00
com.ath0.rpn.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.axelby.podax.txt Unify Support srclibs 2013-11-16 12:57:32 +01:00
com.banasiak.coinflip.txt More apps to real UCMs 2013-11-18 16:05:16 +01:00
com.banasiak.coinflipext.example.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.beem.project.beem.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.better.alarm.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.bigbluecup.android.launcher.txt Fix AGS 2013-11-02 11:36:05 +11:00
com.blogspot.marioboehmer.nfcprofile.txt Set 3 non-free apps to disabled (builds were already disabled) 2013-11-04 10:01:06 +00:00
com.blogspot.tonyatkins.freespeech.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.boardgamegeek.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.boombuler.games.shift.txt More apps to real UCMs 2013-11-18 16:05:16 +01:00
com.boombuler.widgets.contacts.txt More former UCM:Market apps fixed (near the end) 2013-11-18 16:20:52 +01:00
com.botbrew.basil.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.bottleworks.dailymoney.txt More apps to real UCMs 2013-11-18 16:05:16 +01:00
com.brianco.colorclock.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.brocktice.JustSit.txt More former UCM:Market apps fixed (near the end) 2013-11-18 16:20:52 +01:00
com.brosmike.airpushdetector.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.btmura.android.reddit.txt Try to fix btmura.android.reddit, fail and disable 2013-11-17 23:23:46 +01:00
com.bvalosek.cpuspy.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.bvcode.ncopter.txt More apps to real UCMs 2013-11-18 16:05:16 +01:00
com.bwx.bequick.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.byagowi.persiancalendar.txt Update Persian Calendar (com.byagowi.persiancalendar) to 4.03 (43) 2013-11-09 11:15:49 +00:00
com.casimirlab.simpleDeadlines.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.cepmuvakkit.times.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.chessclock.android.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-19 10:28:56 +01:00
com.chmod0.manpages.txt Fix many more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-16 22:18:38 +01:00
com.ciarang.tallyphant.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.codebutler.farebot.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.coinbase.android.txt Added coinbase 2013-11-06 17:40:58 +00:00
com.colinmcdonough.android.torch.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.commonsware.android.arXiv.txt Bunch more apps to UCM:RM 2013-11-18 15:46:36 +01:00
com.concentricsky.android.khan.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.cradle.iitc_mobile.txt Update IITC Mobile (com.cradle.iitc_mobile) to 0.9 (60) 2013-11-22 19:21:16 +00:00
com.csipsimple.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.ctrlplusz.dashclock.yr.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.cyanogenmod.filemanager.ics.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.danvelazco.fbwrapper.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.debian.debiandroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.digitallizard.nicecompass.txt Bunch more apps to UCM:RM 2013-11-18 15:46:36 +01:00
com.dngames.mobilewebcam.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.dougkeen.bart.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.dozingcatsoftware.asciicam.txt Update AsciiCam (com.dozingcatsoftware.asciicam) to 1.1.1 (6) 2013-11-18 15:42:19 +01:00
com.dozingcatsoftware.bouncy.txt Bunch more apps to UCM:RM 2013-11-18 15:46:36 +01:00
com.dozingcatsoftware.cameratimer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.dozingcatsoftware.dodge.txt Bunch more apps to UCM:RM 2013-11-18 15:46:36 +01:00
com.dozuki.ifixit.txt Update com.dozuki.ifixit to 2.1.0 (39) (not building) 2013-11-05 00:08:44 +01:00
com.dririan.RingyDingyDingy.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.drismo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.drodin.tuxrider.txt Fix many more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-16 22:18:38 +01:00
com.droidwave.offlinecalendar.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
com.dwalkes.android.toggleheadset2.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.dwdesign.tweetings.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.eddyspace.networkmonitor.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
com.eleybourn.bookcatalogue.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.elsdoerfer.android.autostarts.txt Update Autostarts (com.elsdoerfer.android.autostarts) to 1.8.0 (25) 2013-11-22 19:23:29 +00:00
com.eolwral.osmonitor.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.episode6.android.appalarm.pro.txt Fix many more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-16 22:18:38 +01:00
com.evancharlton.mileage.txt Fix many more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-16 22:18:38 +01:00
com.everysoft.autoanswer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.example.android.maxpapers.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.example.anycut.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.f.coin.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.f2prateek.dfg.txt Remove dfg 1.1.5, too many problems with crashlytics 2013-11-19 23:53:41 +01:00
com.fgrim.msnake.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.FireFart.Permissions2.txt Fix many more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-16 22:18:38 +01:00
com.fivasim.antikythera.txt More former UCM:Market apps fixed (near the end) 2013-11-18 16:20:52 +01:00
com.frostwire.android.txt FrostWire (com.frostwire.android): no update (ever) 2013-11-24 11:20:14 +00:00
com.fsck.k9.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.funambol.androidsync.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.futonredemption.mylocation.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-18 20:41:37 +01:00
com.gcstar.scanner.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.gcstar.viewer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.gelakinetic.mtgfam.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.gh4a.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.ghostsq.commander.samba.txt Update Ghost Commander - Samba plugin (com.ghostsq.commander.samba) to 1.31 (52) 2013-11-05 11:02:19 +00:00
com.ghostsq.commander.sftp.txt Ghost Commander - SFTP plugin: disable uncompilable build 2013-11-22 19:52:44 +00:00
com.ghostsq.commander.txt Update Ghost Commander (com.ghostsq.commander) to 1.51b7 (224) 2013-11-17 09:05:49 +00:00
com.gimranov.zandy.app.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.ginkel.hashit.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.github.alijc.cricketsalarm.txt Added Cricket's Alarm 2013-11-20 21:06:45 +00:00
com.github.andlyticsproject.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.github.egonw.isotopes.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.github.mobile.txt Update GitHub (com.github.mobile) to 1.8.0 (1800) 2013-11-13 11:24:54 +00:00
com.github.nutomic.controldlna.txt Try to fix controldlna 2013-11-20 19:09:39 +01:00
com.gladis.tictactoe.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.glTron.txt GL TRON (com.glTron): fix description 2013-11-20 21:49:40 +00:00
com.gluegadget.hndroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.gmail.altakey.effy.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.gmail.charleszq.txt Flickr Viewer HD (com.gmail.charleszq): resolve multiple issues 2013-11-14 08:17:43 +00:00
com.gokhanmoral.stweaks.app.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.googamaphone.typeandspeak.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-19 10:28:56 +01:00
com.google.android.apps.authenticator2.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.google.android.apps.iosched.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.google.android.diskusage.txt Temporarily disable diskusage until build problem is resolved 2013-11-13 18:43:48 +00:00
com.google.android.maps.mytracks.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.google.android.marvin.talkback.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.google.android.stardroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.google.code.apps2org.txt Apps2Org: Add Apps Organizer fork which fixes usability issues. 2013-11-23 00:37:30 +02:00
com.google.code.appsorganizer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.google.code.geobeagle.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.google.marvin.shell.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.google.zxing.client.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.googlecode.android.wifi.tether.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.googlecode.android_scripting.txt SL4A (com.googlecode.android_scripting): more wip 2013-11-14 22:09:11 +00:00
com.googlecode.androidcells.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
com.googlecode.awsms.txt Fix many more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-16 22:18:38 +01:00
com.googlecode.chartdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.googlecode.droidwall.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.googlecode.gtalksms.txt GTalkSMS (com.googlecode.gtalksms): static 2013-11-06 13:38:24 +00:00
com.googlecode.networklog.txt Update Network Log (com.googlecode.networklog) to 2.21.0 (22100) 2013-11-21 08:18:34 +00:00
com.googlecode.openwnn.legacy.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.googlecode.talkmyphone.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
com.googlecode.tcime.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.gpl.rpg.AndorsTrail.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.gpstether.txt Fix many more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-16 22:18:38 +01:00
com.grapefruitopia.dashclock.k9.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.gs.mobileprint.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.gueei.applocker.txt More former UCM:Market apps fixed (near the end) 2013-11-18 16:20:52 +01:00
com.gulshansingh.hackerlivewallpaper.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.harasoft.relaunch.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.hectorone.multismssender.txt Multi Sms (com.hectorone.multismssender): Fix links and UCM, avoid atrocious init= 2013-11-18 20:41:37 +01:00
com.hermit.btreprap.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.hexad.bluezime.hidenabler.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.hexad.bluezime.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.hobbyone.HashDroid.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
com.hughes.android.dictionary.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.hyperionics.fbreader.plugin.tts_plus.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.iazasoft.footguy.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.ichi2.anki.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.ideasfrombrain.search_based_launcher_v2.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.ihunda.android.binauralbeat.txt Binaural Beats Therapy (com.ihunda.android.binauralbeat): typo fix 2013-11-17 12:04:21 +00:00
com.integralblue.callerid.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
com.intervigil.micdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.irahul.worldclock.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.ivanvolosyuk.sharetobrowser.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
com.jadn.cc.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.jakebasile.android.hearingsaver.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-19 10:28:56 +01:00
com.java.SmokeReducer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.jecelyin.editor.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.jeyries.quake2.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.jlyr.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.josegd.monthcalwidget.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.jotabout.screeninfo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.joulespersecond.seattlebusbot.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.jpkrause.c_feed.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.jwetherell.heart_rate_monitor.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.kaeruct.glxy.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.kai1973i.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.kibab.android.EncPassChanger.txt Fix many more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-16 22:18:38 +01:00
com.kirit.android.mintercept.txt Enable previously bin app builds 2013-11-04 16:18:46 +01:00
com.kkinder.charmap.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
com.kkinder.sharelocation.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
com.kmagic.solitaire.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.kostmo.wallpaper.spiral.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
com.kpz.pomodorotasks.activity.txt Bunch more apps to UCM:RM 2013-11-18 15:46:36 +01:00
com.kvance.Nectroid.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
com.leafdigital.kanji.android.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-19 10:28:56 +01:00
com.lecz.android.tiltmazes.txt Enable previously bin app builds 2013-11-04 16:18:46 +01:00
com.leinardi.kitchentimer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.liato.bankdroid.txt Bankdroid (com.liato.bankdroid): undo merge of f9b5d2755 2013-11-05 16:42:21 +00:00
com.lukekorth.screennotifications.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.madgag.agit.txt Avoid agit duplicate builds (also avoid it failing) 2013-11-07 16:02:45 +01:00
com.manor.currentwidget.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.manuelmaly.hn.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.MarcosDiez.shareviahttp.txt Update Share via HTTP (com.MarcosDiez.shareviahttp) to 1.11 (12) 2013-11-16 22:09:01 +01:00
com.mareksebera.simpledilbert.txt Fix simpledilbert 3.9 2013-11-18 18:53:45 +01:00
com.martinborjesson.o2xtouchlednotifications.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.matburt.mobileorg.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.max2idea.android.fwknop.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.maxfierke.sandwichroulette.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.mendhak.gpslogger.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.menny.android.anysoftkeyboard.txt Fix many more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-16 22:18:38 +01:00
com.midisheetmusic.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
com.miracleas.bitcoin_spinner.txt Fix many more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-16 22:18:38 +01:00
com.mkf.droidsat.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
com.mobilepearls.sokoban.txt Fix many more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-16 22:18:38 +01:00
com.mohammadag.beamfile.txt Beam File (com.mohammadag.beamfile): disable failing build 2013-11-22 19:56:06 +00:00
com.monead.games.android.sequence.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.morphoss.acal.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.mp3tunes.android.player.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-19 10:28:56 +01:00
com.mridang.cellinfo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.mridang.wifiinfo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.myopicmobile.textwarrior.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.naholyr.android.horairessncf.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.namelessdev.mpdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.nanoconverter.zlab.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.nauj27.android.colorpicker.txt Update Color Picker (com.nauj27.android.colorpicker) to 3.1 (20130326) 2013-11-16 20:58:33 +01:00
com.nephoapp.anarxiv.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.netthreads.android.noiz2.txt Bunch more apps to UCM:RM 2013-11-18 15:46:36 +01:00
com.newsblur.txt NewsBlur (com.newsblur) to 3.0.0 (50): not a real version 2013-11-22 19:26:43 +00:00
com.nexes.manager.txt Fix UCMs for more apps 2013-11-16 02:02:01 +01:00
com.nightshadelabs.anotherbrowser.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.nilhcem.frcndict.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.nilhcem.hostseditor.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.nolanlawson.apptracker.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.nolanlawson.chordreader.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.nolanlawson.jnameconverter.txt More apps to real UCMs 2013-11-18 16:05:16 +01:00
com.nolanlawson.keepscore.txt Update KeepScore (com.nolanlawson.keepscore) to 1.2.6 (23) 2013-11-19 23:08:22 +01:00
com.nolanlawson.logcat.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.nononsenseapps.notepad.txt Update CV of Notes (com.nononsenseapps.notepad) to 5.1.2 (105) 2013-11-08 03:25:04 +00:00
com.nooskewl.bobby.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.noshufou.android.su.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.notriddle.budget.txt Update Budget (com.notriddle.budget) to 3.4 (34) 2013-11-17 03:31:58 +00:00
com.notriddle.null_launcer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.omegavesko.holocounter.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.opendoorstudios.ds4droid.txt nds4droid (com.opendoorstudios.ds4droid): fix description 2013-11-20 21:49:57 +00:00
com.owncloud.android.txt Update ownCloud (com.owncloud.android) to 1.5.0 (105000) 2013-11-16 12:25:44 +01:00
com.palliser.nztides.txt Update NZ Tides (com.palliser.nztides) to 6 (6) 2013-11-16 22:03:33 +01:00
com.panaceasupplies.android.games.toytrain.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.paranoid.ParanoidWallpapers.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.pilot51.voicenotify.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.pindroid.txt Two new versions not to be published 2013-11-16 22:33:43 +01:00
com.piwi.stickeroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.plusonelabs.calendar.txt Update Calendar Widget (com.plusonelabs.calendar) to 1.6.4 (16) 2013-11-18 15:01:07 +01:00
com.polipoid.txt Fix a few problems in the metadata files 2013-11-19 11:35:26 +01:00
com.politedroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.powerje.nyan.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.proch.practicehub.txt Lots more former UCM:Market apps to Tags or RM 2013-11-13 20:41:46 +01:00
com.purplefoto.pfdock.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.qsp.player.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.qubling.sidekick.txt Fix UCMs for more apps 2013-11-16 02:02:01 +01:00
com.quran.labs.androidquran.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.radioreddit.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.ratebeer.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.replica.replicaisland.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.rhiannonweb.android.migrainetracker.txt Fix UCMs for more apps 2013-11-16 02:02:01 +01:00
com.rigid.birthdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.ringdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.rj.pixelesque.txt Lots more former UCM:Market apps to Tags or RM 2013-11-13 20:41:46 +01:00
com.robert.maps.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.roguetemple.hydroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.roguetemple.hyperroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.roozen.SoundManagerv2.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.saibotd.bitbeaker.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.sam.hex.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.sandeel.bushidoblocks.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.scottmain.android.searchlight.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
com.seafile.seadroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.seafile.seadroid2.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.seavenois.tetris.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.seawolfsanctuary.keepingtracks.txt Update KeepingTracks (com.seawolfsanctuary.keepingtracks) to 1.05 (20131113) 2013-11-14 07:57:29 +00:00
com.seb.SLWP.txt Update EarthRot (com.seb.SLWP) to 1.5 (61) 2013-11-24 11:25:49 +00:00
com.seb.SLWPmaps.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.serone.desktoplabel.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.sgr_b2.compass.txt Community compass (com.sgr_b2.compass): fix a few things 2013-11-12 19:47:35 +00:00
com.showmehills.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.shurik.droidzebra.txt Lots more former UCM:Market apps to Tags or RM 2013-11-13 20:41:46 +01:00
com.sigseg.android.worldmap.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.silentlexx.instead.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.sinpo.xnfc.txt Lots more former UCM:Market apps to Tags or RM 2013-11-13 20:41:46 +01:00
com.smerty.ham.txt Get rid of bad descriptions 2013-11-18 16:11:51 +01:00
com.smorgasbork.hotdeath.txt Lots more former UCM:Market apps to Tags or RM 2013-11-13 20:41:46 +01:00
com.sputnik.wispr.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.sweetiepiggy.everylocale.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.tastycactus.timesheet.txt Lots more former UCM:Market apps to Tags or RM 2013-11-13 20:41:46 +01:00
com.teamdc.stephendiniz.autoaway.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.teleca.jamendo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.templaro.opsiz.aka.txt Fix UCMs for more apps 2013-11-16 02:02:01 +01:00
com.textuality.lifesaver2.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.threedlite.livePolys.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.threedlite.urforms.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.tmarki.comicmaker.txt Rage Maker (com.tmarki.comicmaker): set to static 2013-11-13 11:11:24 +00:00
com.tnc.android.graphite.txt Update Graphitoid (com.tnc.android.graphite) to 2.1.2 (6) 2013-11-13 19:52:51 +01:00
com.tobykurien.google_news.txt Update GApps Browser (com.tobykurien.google_news) to 1.11 (11) 2013-11-16 01:50:12 +01:00
com.tortuca.holoken.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.totsp.bookworm.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.totsp.crossword.shortyz.txt Update Shortyz (com.totsp.crossword.shortyz) to 3.2.10 (30210) 2013-11-18 15:08:53 +01:00
com.tum.yahtzee.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.tunes.viewer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.ubergeek42.WeechatAndroid.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
com.ubuntuone.android.files.txt Update com.ubuntuone.android.files to 1.2.8 (470) 2013-11-23 15:46:30 +00:00
com.umang.dashnotifier.txt Update CV of DashNotifier (com.umang.dashnotifier) to 0.48 (18) 2013-11-24 03:42:21 +00:00
com.unitedcoders.android.gpodroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.uploadedlobster.PwdHash.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.uraroji.garage.android.mp3recvoice.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.ushahidi.android.app.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.valleytg.oasvn.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.veken0m.bitcoinium.txt Update Bitcoinium Prime (com.veken0m.bitcoinium) to 1.8.2 (46) 2013-11-13 10:57:04 +00:00
com.vlille.checker.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.voidcode.diasporawebclient.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
com.volosyukivan.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.vonglasow.michael.satstat.txt Update CV of SatStat (com.vonglasow.michael.satstat) to 1.4 (40) 2013-11-24 22:08:09 +00:00
com.wanghaus.remembeer.txt Fix UCMs for more apps 2013-11-16 02:02:01 +01:00
com.webworxshop.swallowcatcher.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
com.write.Quill.txt Get rid of bad descriptions 2013-11-18 16:11:51 +01:00
com.xabber.androiddev.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.xatik.app.droiddraw.client.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.xlythe.minecraftclock.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.yubico.yubiclip.txt Improve Yubico descriptions. 2013-11-09 14:15:17 +01:00
com.yubico.yubioath.txt Update YubiOATH (com.yubico.yubioath) to 0.1.7 (18) 2013-11-23 15:17:39 +00:00
com.yubico.yubitotp.txt Improve Yubico descriptions. 2013-11-09 14:15:17 +01:00
com.zachrattner.pockettalk.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.zagayevskiy.pacman.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.zapta.apps.maniana.txt Maniana (com.zapta.apps.maniana): UCM to RM 2013-11-13 19:52:51 +01:00
com.zaren.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.zegoggles.gist.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.zegoggles.smssync.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
com.zoffcc.applications.aagtl.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
cri.sanity.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
csh.cryptonite.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
cx.hell.android.pdfview.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
cx.hell.android.pdfviewpro.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
cxa.lineswallpaper.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
cz.hejl.chesswalk.txt Update Chess Walk (cz.hejl.chesswalk) to 1.5.2 (9) 2013-11-22 21:08:13 +00:00
cz.romario.opensudoku.txt OpenSudoku (cz.romario.opensudoku): fix description 2013-11-20 21:50:13 +00:00
damo.three.ie.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
dasher.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.antonfluegge.android.yubnubwidgetadfree.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.antonwolf.agendawidget.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.arnowelzel.android.periodical.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.azapps.mirakel.dashclock.txt Update Mirakel-Dashclock (de.azapps.mirakel.dashclock) to 1.2 (5) 2013-11-19 03:39:13 +00:00
de.azapps.mirakelandroid.txt Update Mirakel (de.azapps.mirakelandroid) to 2.1.4 (17) 2013-11-20 21:24:13 +00:00
de.bashtian.dashclocksunrise.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.blau.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.blinkt.openvpn.txt Update CV of OpenVPN for Android (de.blinkt.openvpn) to 0.6.0 (81) 2013-11-22 03:47:56 +00:00
de.cketti.dashclock.k9.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.danielweisser.android.ldapsync.txt More former UCM:Market apps to RM 2013-11-08 18:22:45 +01:00
de.danoeh.antennapod.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.delusions.measure.txt Tons more former UCM:Market apps to actual UCMs 2013-11-16 20:58:42 +01:00
de.duenndns.gmdice.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.enaikoon.android.keypadmapper3.txt Update CV of could not create zip file (de.enaikoon.android.keypadmapper3) to 3.1.00 (47) 2013-11-13 03:55:13 +00:00
de.fmaul.android.cmis.txt Lots of apps to Repomanifest or Tags 2013-11-13 19:52:51 +01:00
de.freewarepoint.whohasmystuff.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.geeksfactory.opacclient.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.grobox.blitzmail.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.grobox.liberario.txt Update Liberario (de.grobox.liberario) to 0.3.1 (5) 2013-11-16 03:41:14 +00:00
de.homac.Mirrored.txt Mirrored to UCM:Tags, update to 0.2.5 2013-11-07 16:46:33 +01:00
de.jdsoft.law.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.joergjahnke.c64.android.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-19 10:28:56 +01:00
de.jurihock.voicesmith.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.kromonos.android.rpcoiner.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
de.kugihan.dictionaryformids.hmi_android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.luhmer.owncloudnewsreader.txt Fix owncloudnewsreader, very ugly recipe due to abuse of apache ant 2013-11-07 16:28:41 +01:00
de.mangelow.network.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-18 20:41:37 +01:00
de.mbutscher.wikiandpad.alphabeta.txt WikiAndPad (de.mbutscher.wikiandpad.alphabeta): fix description 2013-11-20 21:50:26 +00:00
de.onyxbits.listmyapps.txt Update List My Apps (de.onyxbits.listmyapps) to 2.3 (8) 2013-11-05 00:08:50 +01:00
de.onyxbits.pocketbandit.txt Fix UCMs for more apps 2013-11-16 02:02:01 +01:00
de.onyxbits.remotekeyboard.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.onyxbits.sensorreadout.txt Update Sensor Readout (de.onyxbits.sensorreadout) to 2.1 (5) 2013-11-16 01:59:21 +01:00
de.schaeuffelhut.android.openvpn.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.schildbach.wallet.txt Bitcoin (de.schildbach.wallet): another typo!? 2013-11-23 15:15:10 +00:00
de.schildbach.wallet_test.txt de.schildbach.wallet_test: more fixing 2013-11-23 10:29:50 +00:00
de.shandschuh.slightbackup.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.shandschuh.sparserss.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.skubware.opentraining.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.stefan_oltmann.falling_blocks.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.stefan_oltmann.kaesekaestchen.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-19 10:28:56 +01:00
de.tui.itlogger.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.tum.in.tumcampus.txt Update CV of TUM Campus App (de.tum.in.tumcampus) to 1.1.2 (32) 2013-11-24 03:49:20 +00:00
de.ub0r.android.adBlock.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
de.ub0r.android.callmeter.txt Update Call Meter 3G (de.ub0r.android.callmeter) to 3.10 (7391002) 2013-11-16 22:52:00 +01:00
de.ub0r.android.clipboardbeam.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.ub0r.android.otpdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.ub0r.android.smsdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.ub0r.android.websms.connector.gmx.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.ub0r.android.websms.connector.smspilotru.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.ub0r.android.websms.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.uni_potsdam.hpi.openmensa.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.wikilab.android.friendica01.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.yaacc.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
de.zauberstuhl.sechat.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
dentex.youtube.downloader.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
dev.drsoran.moloko.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
dev.ukanth.ufirewall.txt Update CV of AFWall+ (dev.ukanth.ufirewall) to 1.2.7 (141) 2013-11-25 03:51:17 +00:00
dk.andsen.asqlitemanager.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
dk.jens.backup.txt Update oandbackup (dk.jens.backup) to 0.2.5 (11) 2013-11-06 03:41:07 +00:00
dk.mide.fas.cmnightlies.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
dk.nindroid.rss.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
edu.killerud.kitchentimer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
edu.nyu.cs.omnidroid.app.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
edu.rit.poe.atomix.txt Fix UCMs for more apps 2013-11-16 02:02:01 +01:00
edu.sfsu.cs.orange.ocr.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
ee.smkv.calc.loan.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
es.cesar.quitesleep.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
es.prodevelop.gvsig.mini.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
eu.domob.anacam.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
eu.domob.angulo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
eu.domob.bjtrainer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
eu.e43.impeller.txt Update Impeller (eu.e43.impeller) to 0.8.2 (8002) 2013-11-24 10:27:06 +00:00
eu.flatworld.android.slider.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
eu.hydrologis.geopaparazzi.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
eu.lavarde.pmtd.txt Get rid of bad descriptions 2013-11-18 16:11:51 +01:00
eu.lighthouselabs.obd.reader.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
eu.prismsw.lampshade.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
eu.siebeck.sipswitch.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
eu.vranckaert.worktime.txt Fix UCMs for more apps 2013-11-16 02:02:01 +01:00
faenza.adw.theme.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
fi.harism.wallpaper.flier.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
fi.harism.wallpaper.flowers.txt More apps to real UCMs 2013-11-18 16:05:16 +01:00
fi.harism.wallpaper.yinyang.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
fi.mikuz.boarder.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
fm.libre.droid.txt Lots more former UCM:Market apps to Tags or RM 2013-11-13 20:41:46 +01:00
fr.bellev.stdatmosphere.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
fr.keuse.rightsalert.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
fr.miximum.napply.txt Enable some more UCMs on former Market apps 2013-11-08 18:03:03 +01:00
fr.ornidroid.txt Set 3 non-free apps to disabled (builds were already disabled) 2013-11-04 10:01:06 +00:00
fr.seeks.txt Enable some more UCMs on former Market apps 2013-11-08 18:03:03 +01:00
fr.simon.marquis.secretcodes.txt Added Secret Codes 2013-11-20 21:21:23 +00:00
fr.strasweb.browserquest.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
fr.strasweb.campus.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
fr.xgouchet.texteditor.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
fr.ybo.transportsbordeaux.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
fr.ybo.transportsrennes.txt Update CV of Transports Rennes (fr.ybo.transportsrennes) to 3.5.3 (353) 2013-11-24 03:53:57 +00:00
genius.mohammad.floating.stickies.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
github.daneren2005.dsub.txt Update CV of DSub (github.daneren2005.dsub) to 4.2.2 (71) 2013-11-23 03:54:09 +00:00
goo.TeaTimer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
gr.ndre.scuttloid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
home.jmstudios.calc.txt Update Calculator (home.jmstudios.calc) to 1.0 (17) 2013-11-14 08:00:26 +00:00
hsware.HSTempo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
hu.vsza.adsdroid.txt ADSdroid (hu.vsza.adsdroid): tidy up a few things 2013-11-10 13:50:18 +00:00
i4nc4mp.myLock.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
in.shick.diode.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
in.shick.lockpatterngenerator.txt Fix a few problems in the metadata files 2013-11-19 11:35:26 +01:00
info.guardianproject.browser.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
info.guardianproject.cacert.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
info.guardianproject.gpg.txt Minor fixes to GnuPrivacyGuard description: 2013-11-08 18:26:49 +01:00
info.guardianproject.lildebi.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
info.guardianproject.otr.app.im.txt Update CV of ChatSecure (info.guardianproject.otr.app.im) to 13.0.3 (96) 2013-11-18 03:47:20 +00:00
info.lamatricexiste.network.txt Network Discovery: undo recent change to RepoManifest 2013-11-21 08:59:03 +00:00
info.staticfree.android.robotfindskitten.txt All info.staticfree apps use tags, remove unnecessary apk removals 2013-11-08 18:22:10 +01:00
info.staticfree.android.twentyfourhour.txt All info.staticfree apps use tags, remove unnecessary apk removals 2013-11-08 18:22:10 +01:00
info.staticfree.android.units.txt All info.staticfree apps use tags, remove unnecessary apk removals 2013-11-08 18:22:10 +01:00
info.staticfree.SuperGenPass.txt All info.staticfree apps use tags, remove unnecessary apk removals 2013-11-08 18:22:10 +01:00
info.toyonos.hfr4droid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
it.devapp.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
it.ecosw.dudo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
it.gmariotti.android.apps.dashclock.extensions.battery.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
it.gtd.abreakout.GameActivity.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
it.iiizio.epubator.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
it.sasabz.android.sasabus.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
it.sineo.android.noFrillsCPUClassic.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
ivl.android.moneybalance.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
jackpal.androidterm.txt Update Terminal Emulator (jackpal.androidterm) to 1.0.54 (55) 2013-11-18 03:48:07 +00:00
jackpal.droidexaminer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
jp.co.kayo.android.localplayer.ds.ampache.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
jp.co.kayo.android.localplayer.ds.podcast.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
jp.co.kayo.android.localplayer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
jp.co.omronsoft.openwnn.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
jp.co.qsdn.android.jinbei3d.txt Lots of apps to Repomanifest or Tags 2013-11-13 19:52:51 +01:00
jp.gr.java_conf.hatalab.mnv.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
jp.ksksue.app.terminal.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
jp.sawada.np2android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
jp.sblo.pandora.aGrep.txt Lots of apps to Repomanifest or Tags 2013-11-13 19:52:51 +01:00
jp.sfjp.webglmol.NDKmol.txt Lots of apps to Repomanifest or Tags 2013-11-13 19:52:51 +01:00
jpf.android.diary.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
jupiter.broadcasting.live.tv.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
kaljurand_at_gmail_dot_com.diktofon.txt Lots more former UCM:Market apps to Tags or RM 2013-11-13 20:41:46 +01:00
kdk.android.simplydo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
kr.hybdms.sidepanel.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
li.klass.fhem.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
mancioboxblog.altervista.it.volumecontrol.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
me.cuelga.me.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
me.guillaumin.android.osmtracker.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
me.kuehle.carreport.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
me.malladi.dashcricket.txt Update DashCricket - DashClock Live Cricket Scores Extension (me.malladi.dashcricket) to 1.4 (5) 2013-11-21 08:16:13 +00:00
mixedbit.speechtrainer.txt More former UCM:Market apps to RM 2013-11-08 18:22:45 +01:00
mobi.cyann.nstools.txt Lots more former UCM:Market apps to Tags or RM 2013-11-13 20:41:46 +01:00
mobi.omegacentauri.PerApp.txt More former UCM:Market apps to RM 2013-11-08 18:22:45 +01:00
mobi.omegacentauri.SendReduced.txt Update CV of Send Reduced (mobi.omegacentauri.SendReduced) to 0.05 (5) 2013-11-15 03:53:15 +00:00
mohammad.adib.roundr.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
name.bagi.levente.pedometer.txt Lots more former UCM:Market apps to Tags or RM 2013-11-13 20:41:46 +01:00
name.boyle.chris.sgtpuzzles.txt Can't update Puzzles (name.boyle.chris.sgtpuzzles) to 9561.1 (72) 2013-11-13 19:52:51 +01:00
name.livitski.games.puzzle.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.aangle.rvclock.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.androgames.level.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.androidcomics.acv.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.anzix.osm.upload.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.asceai.meritous.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.avs234.txt Lots of apps to Repomanifest or Tags 2013-11-13 19:52:51 +01:00
net.bible.android.activity.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.bytten.xkcdviewer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.cactii.mathdoku.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.chilon.matt.teacup.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.codechunk.speedofsound.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.cyclestreets.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.czlee.debatekeeper.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.dahanne.android.regalandroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.dahanne.banq.notifications.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.everythingandroid.smspopup.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.exclaimindustries.geohashdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.fercanet.LNM.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.fred.feedex.txt Update FeedEx (net.fred.feedex) to 1.3.8 (33) 2013-11-22 04:01:43 +00:00
net.gaast.giggity.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.georgewhiteside.android.abstractart.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.gorry.aicia.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.gorry.android.input.nicownng.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.healeys.lexic.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.i2p.android.router.txt net.i2p.android.router: set current version 2013-11-13 17:26:50 +00:00
net.inclem.nogo.txt Add noGo (wip) 2013-11-24 22:13:56 +00:00
net.iowaline.dotdash.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.jaqpot.netcounter.txt Enable previously bin app builds 2013-11-04 16:18:46 +01:00
net.jjc1138.android.scrobbler.txt More former UCM:Market apps to RM 2013-11-08 18:22:45 +01:00
net.kervala.comicsreader.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.logomancy.diedroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.luniks.android.inetify.txt Update Inetify (net.luniks.android.inetify) to 2.1.0 (18), no more AF 2013-11-13 19:52:51 +01:00
net.mafro.android.wakeonlan.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
net.micode.compass.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.micode.fileexplorer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.micode.soundrecorder.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.momodalo.app.vimtouch.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.nightwhistler.pageturner.txt Update PageTurner (net.nightwhistler.pageturner) to 2.2.1 (56) 2013-11-17 22:03:41 +01:00
net.nurik.roman.dashclock.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.oschina.app.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.osmand.plus.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.pagekite.app.txt More apps to UCM:RepoManifest 2013-11-07 17:57:25 +01:00
net.pherth.omnomagon.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.phunehehe.foocam.txt Fix a few more silly mistakes 2013-11-22 00:00:23 +01:00
net.pierrox.mcompass.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.pmarks.chromadoze.txt chromadoze to UCM:RM 2013-11-07 17:41:09 +01:00
net.progval.android.andquote.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.rocrail.androc.txt Update andRoc (net.rocrail.androc) to 418 (418) + UCM 2013-11-08 18:23:01 +01:00
net.sf.andbatdog.batterydog.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.sf.andhsli.hotspotlogin.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.sourceforge.andsys.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.sourceforge.servestream.txt ServeStream (net.sourceforge.servestream): failed attempt at building 2013-11-07 19:13:36 +00:00
net.sourceforge.subsonic.androidapp.txt Update CV of Subsonic (net.sourceforge.subsonic.androidapp) to 4.1 (54) 2013-11-18 03:53:30 +00:00
net.sourceforge.wifiremoteplay.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.status.client.mobile.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.sylvek.sharemyposition.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
net.szym.barnacle.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.tapi.handynotes.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.tedstein.AndroSS.txt More apps to real UCMs 2013-11-18 16:05:16 +01:00
net.tevp.postcode.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.thauvin.erik.android.noussd.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.vivekiyer.GAL.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.wigle.wigleandroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
net.xenotropic.quizznworldcap.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
nitezh.ministock.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
nl.sogeti.android.gpstracker.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
nl.ttys0.simplec25k.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
no.rkkc.bysykkel.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
nu.firetech.android.pactrack.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
orbitlivewallpaperfree.puzzleduck.com.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.ab.x48.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.abrantix.rockon.rockonnggl.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.adaway.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.adblockplus.android.txt Update Adblock Plus (org.adblockplus.android) to 1.1.4 (286) 2013-11-17 08:51:24 +00:00
org.addhen.smssync.txt Update SMSSync (org.addhen.smssync) to 2.5.1 (20) 2013-11-15 12:48:41 +01:00
org.adw.launcher.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.aja.flightmode.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.ale.openwatch.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.ale.scanner.zotero.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.ametro.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
org.andglkmod.hunkypunk.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.androhid.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
org.androidappdev.batterywidget.txt Lots of apps to Repomanifest or Tags 2013-11-13 19:52:51 +01:00
org.androidappdev.wifiwidget.txt Lots of apps to Repomanifest or Tags 2013-11-13 19:52:51 +01:00
org.androidsoft.app.permission.txt androidsoft apps all to share same srclib Repo, UCMs 2013-11-07 17:41:25 +01:00
org.androidsoft.coloring.txt androidsoft apps all to share same srclib Repo, UCMs 2013-11-07 17:41:25 +01:00
org.androidsoft.games.memory.kids.txt androidsoft apps all to share same srclib Repo, UCMs 2013-11-07 17:41:25 +01:00
org.androidsoft.games.slowit.txt androidsoft apps all to share same srclib Repo, UCMs 2013-11-07 17:41:25 +01:00
org.andstatus.app.txt Update AndStatus (org.andstatus.app) to 3.0 (85) 2013-11-22 19:21:24 +00:00
org.aprsdroid.app.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.ardour.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.balau.fakedawn.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.bc_bd.mrwhite.txt Fix a few problems in the metadata files 2013-11-19 11:35:26 +01:00
org.beide.bomber.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.beide.droidgain.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.billthefarmer.accordion.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.billthefarmer.melodeon.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.billthefarmer.tuner.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.birthdayadapter.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.blockinger.game.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.bombusmod.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.brandroid.openmanager.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.broeuschmeul.android.gps.bluetooth.provider.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.chrisbailey.todo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.connectbot.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.coolreader.txt Two new versions not to be published 2013-11-16 22:33:43 +01:00
org.crocodile.sbautologin.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
org.cry.otp.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
org.curiouscreature.android.shelves.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
org.damazio.notifier.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.dgtale.icsimport.txt Add to calendar (org.dgtale.icsimport): Shorter summary, small fixes 2013-11-13 20:10:13 +01:00
org.diygenomics.pg.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
org.dmfs.tasks.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.dnaq.dialer2.txt Lots of apps to Repomanifest or Tags 2013-11-13 19:52:51 +01:00
org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.dpadgett.timer.txt Update Timer (org.dpadgett.timer) to 1.3 (7) 2013-11-18 20:41:37 +01:00
org.droidparts.battery_widget.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.droidseries.txt Lots more former UCM:Market apps to Tags or RM 2013-11-13 20:41:46 +01:00
org.dsandler.apps.markers.txt Update Markers (org.dsandler.apps.markers) to 1.2.1 (52) 2013-11-23 15:20:58 +00:00
org.dynalogin.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.dyndns.fules.ck.txt More former UCM:Market apps to RM 2013-11-08 18:22:45 +01:00
org.dyndns.ipignoli.petronius.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.eehouse.android.xw4.txt Update CV of Crosswords (org.eehouse.android.xw4) to 4.4 beta 72 (64) 2013-11-05 02:54:38 +00:00
org.envaya.sms.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.epstudios.epmobile.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.epstudios.morbidmeter.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.example.pushupbuddy.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.fastergps.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.fdroid.chatsafe.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.fdroid.fdroid.txt F-Droid (org.fdroid.fdroid): Make 0.55 current 2013-11-12 17:04:23 +00:00
org.fdroid.k9.txt Disable org.fdroid.k9 2013-11-18 16:12:24 +01:00
org.fdroid.superuser.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.fdroid.taskstrid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.fosdem.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.fox.ttrss.txt Update CV of Tiny Tiny RSS (org.fox.ttrss) to 1.29 (225) 2013-11-24 04:09:50 +00:00
org.gc.networktester.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
org.gege.caldavsyncadapter.txt Update CalDAV Sync Adapter (org.gege.caldavsyncadapter) to 1.8.1 (18) 2013-11-22 19:30:49 +00:00
org.geometerplus.fbreader.plugin.local_opds_scanner.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.geometerplus.fbreader.plugin.tts.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.geometerplus.zlibrary.ui.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.github.OxygenGuide.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.gitorious.jamesjrh.isokeys.txt isokeys can't use UCM 2013-11-08 18:03:03 +01:00
org.gmote.client.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.gnucash.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.hanenoshino.onscripter.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.helllabs.android.xmp.txt Not update Xmp for Android (org.helllabs.android.xmp) to 3.6.2 (41) 2013-11-23 15:58:10 +00:00
org.hermit.audalyzer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.hermit.dazzle.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.hermit.netscramble.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.hermit.tricorder.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.herrlado.ask.languagepack.lithuanian.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.herrlado.geofonts.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.ironrabbit.bhoboard.txt Update Tibetan Keyboard (org.ironrabbit.bhoboard) to 0.2 (12) 2013-11-08 18:03:03 +01:00
org.ironrabbit.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
org.jamienicol.episodes.txt Update Episodes (org.jamienicol.episodes) to 0.4 (4) 2013-11-09 18:55:58 +01:00
org.jessies.dalvikexplorer.txt Update Dalvik Explorer (org.jessies.dalvikexplorer) to 3.8 (38) 2013-11-15 20:58:34 +01:00
org.jessies.mathdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.jf.Penroser.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.jfedor.frozenbubble.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.jfedor.nxtremotecontrol.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
org.jmoyer.NotificationPlus.txt More apps to UCM:RepoManifest 2013-11-07 17:57:25 +01:00
org.jsharkey.sky.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.jtb.alogcat.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
org.jtb.droidlife.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.jtb.httpmon.txt Enable previously bin app builds 2013-11-04 16:18:46 +01:00
org.katsarov.dofcalc.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.kde.kdeconnect_tp.txt Update CV of KDE Connect (org.kde.kdeconnect_tp) to 0.4.2 (11) 2013-11-25 04:12:13 +00:00
org.kde.ministro.config.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.kde.necessitas.ministro.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.kiwix.kiwixmobile.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.kontalk.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.kost.externalip.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.kreed.vanilla.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.kwaak3.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.liberty.android.fantastischmemo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.ligi.fast.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.linphone.txt Update CV of Linphone (org.linphone) to Unknown (2211) 2013-11-15 04:07:21 +00:00
org.lumicall.android.txt More former UCM:Market apps to RM 2013-11-08 18:22:45 +01:00
org.macno.puma.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.madore.android.unicodeMap.txt unicodeMap to UCM:Tags 2013-11-07 17:41:43 +01:00
org.marcus905.wifi.ace.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.mariotaku.twidere.extension.twitlonger.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.mariotaku.twidere.txt fix whitespaces for Twidere build lines 2013-11-24 11:14:46 +01:00
org.martus.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.me.tvhguide.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.mixare.txt Lots more former UCM:Market apps to Tags or RM 2013-11-13 20:41:46 +01:00
org.moparisthebest.appbak.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.mosspaper.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.mozilla.firefox.txt org.mozilla.firefox: 2013-11-18 09:00:42 +00:00
org.mrpdaemon.android.encdroid.txt Update CV of Encdroid (org.mrpdaemon.android.encdroid) to 2.0.3 (1400203) 2013-11-24 04:14:27 +00:00
org.mult.daap.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.mumod.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.musicbrainz.picard.barcodescanner.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.mustard.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.mythdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.nathan.jf.build.prop.editor.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
org.navitproject.navit.txt Update CV of org.navitproject.navit to 5718 (5718) 2013-11-13 04:20:51 +00:00
org.ncrmnt.nettts.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.nerdcircus.android.klaxon.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.nick.wwwjdic.txt Update WWWJDIC for Android (org.nick.wwwjdic) to 2.3.3 (2330) 2013-11-13 18:45:03 +00:00
org.npr.android.news.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.ntpsync.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.odk.collect.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.openbmap.txt Update Radiobeacon (org.openbmap) to 0.7.7 (7) 2013-11-13 04:21:36 +00:00
org.opengpx.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.openintents.about.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.openintents.filemanager.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.openlp.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.openmsx.android.openmsx.txt Fix OpenMSX (once again!) 2013-11-02 11:36:05 +11:00
org.opensatnav.android.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
org.openttd.sdl.txt org.openttd.sdl: fix description 2013-11-20 21:50:57 +00:00
org.osmdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.passwordmaker.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.paulmach.textedit.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.penghuang.tools.rotationlock.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.peterbaldwin.client.android.tinyurl.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.peterbaldwin.client.android.vlcremote.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.petero.droidfish.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.piwik.mobile.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.pocketworkstation.pckeyboard.txt Comment that some apps require filters to UCM:Tags 2013-11-07 17:57:08 +01:00
org.poirsouille.tinc_gui.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.ppsspp.ppsspp.txt Add PPSSPP 0.9.5-x86 2013-11-13 17:57:44 +01:00
org.primftpd.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.main.txt MAXS: updated source and issue tracker links 2013-11-25 09:43:30 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.module.bluetooth.txt MAXS: updated source and issue tracker links 2013-11-25 09:43:30 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.module.bluetoothadmin.txt MAXS: updated source and issue tracker links 2013-11-25 09:43:30 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.module.clipboard.txt MAXS: updated source and issue tracker links 2013-11-25 09:43:30 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.module.contactsread.txt MAXS: updated source and issue tracker links 2013-11-25 09:43:30 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.module.fileread.txt MAXS: updated source and issue tracker links 2013-11-25 09:43:30 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.module.filewrite.txt MAXS: updated source and issue tracker links 2013-11-25 09:43:30 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.module.phonestateread.txt MAXS: updated source and issue tracker links 2013-11-25 09:43:30 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.module.ringermode.txt MAXS: updated source and issue tracker links 2013-11-25 09:43:30 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.module.smsnotify.txt MAXS: updated source and issue tracker links 2013-11-25 09:43:30 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.module.smsread.txt MAXS: updated source and issue tracker links 2013-11-25 09:43:30 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.module.smssend.txt MAXS: updated source and issue tracker links 2013-11-25 09:43:30 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.module.smswrite.txt MAXS: updated source and issue tracker links 2013-11-25 09:43:30 +01:00
org.projectmaxs.transport.xmpp.txt MAXS Transport XMPP: Add submodules=yes 2013-11-25 09:46:12 +01:00
org.projectvoodoo.audiomeasurementsplayer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.projectvoodoo.otarootkeeper.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.projectvoodoo.screentestpatterns.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.projectvoodoo.simplecarrieriqdetector.txt More apps to UCM:RepoManifest 2013-11-07 17:57:25 +01:00
org.pulpdust.lesserpad.txt Update CV of Lesser Pad (org.pulpdust.lesserpad) to 0.5c (14) 2013-11-25 04:18:55 +00:00
org.pyload.android.client.txt Update pyLoad (org.pyload.android.client) to 0.3.5 (18) 2013-11-24 11:13:30 +00:00
org.qii.weiciyuan.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
org.quantumbadger.redreader.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.recentwidget.txt Enable some more UCMs on former Market apps 2013-11-08 18:03:03 +01:00
org.retroarch.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.retroshare.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.sagemath.droid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.scid.android.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
org.scoutant.blokish.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.scoutant.cc.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.scummvm.scummvm.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.servalproject.maps.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.servalproject.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.sickstache.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.sipdroid.sipua.txt Finally build SipDroid from source 2013-11-10 17:34:33 +01:00
org.sixgun.ponyexpress.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.smerty.zooborns.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.sparkleshare.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.sshtunnel.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.subsurface.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.sufficientlysecure.localcalendar.txt Fix localcalendar 2013-11-21 19:09:16 +01:00
org.sufficientlysecure.standalonecalendar.txt Fix standalone calendar (merging with master) 2013-11-13 17:43:12 +01:00
org.sufficientlysecure.viewer.fontpack.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.sufficientlysecure.viewer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.swiftp.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
org.tamanegi.wallpaper.multipicture.dnt.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.tbrk.mnemododo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.thialfihar.android.apg.txt Fix APG 1.0.9 build 2013-11-11 17:30:55 +01:00
org.tigase.messenger.phone.pro.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.tint.adblock.txt org.tint.adblock: tidy up and 'translate' the description to English 2013-11-17 11:53:09 +00:00
org.tint.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.tof.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.tomdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.torproject.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.totschnig.myexpenses.txt Update CV of &app_name; (org.totschnig.myexpenses) to (87) 2013-11-11 04:22:57 +00:00
org.totschnig.sendwithftp.txt merge conflict solved and added new version 2013-11-09 12:46:32 +01:00
org.traccar.client.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.transdroid.search.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.transdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.tryton.client.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.ttrssreader.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.tunesremote.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.uaraven.e.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.videolan.vlc.txt VLC (org.videolan.vlc): fix UCM 2013-11-05 00:09:18 +01:00
org.vono.narau.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.vudroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.wahtod.wififixer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.webodf.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.wheelmap.android.online.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.wikilovesmonuments.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.wikimedia.commons.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.wikipedia.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.wiktionary.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.witness.informacam.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.woltage.irssiconnectbot.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.wordpress.android.txt Not update WordPress (org.wordpress.android) to 2.5.1 (85) 2013-11-23 15:34:33 +00:00
org.xbmc.android.remote.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.xcsoar.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.yaaic.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
org.yabause.android.txt Fixed Yabause build 2013-11-02 11:36:05 +11:00
org.yaxim.androidclient.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.yuttadhammo.BodhiTimer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.yuttadhammo.tipitaka.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.zakky.memopad.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.zeitgeist.movement.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.zeroxlab.zeroxbenchmark.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
org.zirco.txt org.zirco: Convert somebody's IMHOs into "similar apps" list. 2013-11-16 20:16:45 +02:00
paulscode.android.mupen64plusae.txt Update CV of Mupen64 Plus AE (paulscode.android.mupen64plusae) to 2.4.1 (333) 2013-11-21 04:21:24 +00:00
pl.magot.vetch.ancal.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
pro.dbro.bart.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
pt.isec.tp.am.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
remuco.client.android.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
ro.ieval.fonbot.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
ro.ui.pttdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
ro.weednet.contactssync.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
ru.gelin.android.sendtosd.txt Enable some more UCMs on former Market apps 2013-11-08 18:03:03 +01:00
ru.gelin.android.weather.notification.skin.blacktext.txt All weather notification apps to share srclib repo 2013-11-08 18:07:54 +01:00
ru.gelin.android.weather.notification.skin.whitetext.txt Lots of apps to Repomanifest or Tags 2013-11-13 19:52:51 +01:00
ru.gelin.android.weather.notification.txt All weather notification apps to share srclib repo 2013-11-08 18:07:54 +01:00
ru.glesik.nostrangersms.txt Update No Stranger SMS (ru.glesik.nostrangersms) to 1.4 (140) 2013-11-22 19:42:16 +00:00
ru.o2genum.coregame.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
ru.orangesoftware.financisto.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-19 10:28:56 +01:00
ru.qrck.quitetaskmanager.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
ru.ttyh.neko259.notey.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
se.anyro.nfc_reader.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
se.chalmers.doit.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
se.erikofsweden.findmyphone.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
se.johanhil.clipboard.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
se.johanhil.duckduckgo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
se.peterbjorkman.android.trafikinfo.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
se.sandos.android.delayed.txt Re-add some of the disabled apps that were deleted 2013-11-04 12:51:04 +01:00
seanfoy.wherering.txt Enable previously bin app builds 2013-11-04 16:18:46 +01:00
si.modrajagoda.didi.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
siir.es.adbWireless.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
sites.mjwhitta.scripter.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
sk.baka.aedict.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
sk.madzik.android.logcatudp.txt Many former UCM:Market apps to RM, some to Tags 2013-11-05 11:46:15 +01:00
sk.vx.connectbot.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
sonoroxadc.garethmurfin.co.uk.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
SpeedoMeterApp.main.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
stericson.busybox.donate.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
teaonly.droideye.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
template-minimal Make template-minimal only contain must-have fields 2013-10-22 21:57:33 +02:00
tkj.android.homecontrol.mythmote.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
to.doc.android.ipv6config.txt Add ipv6config 2013-11-24 10:20:29 +00:00
to.networld.android.divedroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
trikita.obsqr.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
tritop.android.androsens.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
tritop.android.SLWTrafficMeterWidget.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-18 20:41:37 +01:00
tritop.androidSLWCpuWidget.txt Fix more former UCM:Market apps 2013-11-18 20:41:37 +01:00
tuioDroid.impl.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
uk.ac.cam.cl.dtg.android.barcodebox.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
uk.co.ashtonbrsc.android.intentintercept.txt Get rid of many now unnecessary update= fields 2013-11-03 14:08:21 +01:00
uk.co.bitethebullet.android.token.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
uk.co.busydoingnothing.prevo.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
uk.co.jarofgreen.JustADamnCompass.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
uk.org.cardboardbox.wonderdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
uk.org.ngo.squeezer.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
urbanstew.RehearsalAssistant.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
us.bravender.android.dongsa.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
us.lindanrandy.cidrcalculator.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
vnd.blueararat.kaleidoscope6.txt Fix a few more silly mistakes 2013-11-22 00:00:23 +01:00
vu.de.urpool.quickdroid.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00
wb.receiptspro.txt Disable receiptspro, not building 2013-11-20 19:09:33 +01:00
zame.GloomyDungeons.opensource.game.txt "Category:" to "Categories:", replace ';' by ',' 2013-11-02 01:16:14 +01:00